Sunday, February 3, 2008

Phu Yai Village

Many of our US Hmong friends have been asking about the Coffee Ministry. This ministry is designed to make contact with the leaders and shaman in unreached villages in Northern Thailand. God has really blessed this ministry. The remote village of Phu Yai is a very good example of what God is doing.

Pictured is a meeting with village leaders and shaman. The door is now open to for HIM Leader to return.

As pictured, it took about 9 people and 2 hours for HIM Leader to get up this road. This village is remote and almost impossible to get to in the rainy season.

Please pray for the Coffee Ministry and HIM Leader. Also, please pray for funding to cover the cost of the initial meetings of $75-$100.

Francis D. Keck, HIM CEO/President

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