God is really working among the Hmong in Phuchifa, Chiang Rai Province. HIM Leader has led several families to Christ and many have been baptized. Others are asking HIM Leader to come back soon to tell them more about Jesus.
HIM Leader has just returned from Phuchifa. God touched lives! Especially in the life of a seventeen year old boy and a shaman. Both of these people were demon possessed.
HIM Leader's report:
Just to keep you up date on our trip to Phuchifa, Chiang Rai this week.
A shaman in Phuchifa village was possessed by evil spirits. The evil spirits caused him a serious health problem, depression and bad luck. He needs the Lord Jesus Christ. We shared the True Living God, testimony and presented salvation plan to him. He realized that he has misled himself and the clan. He asked me to give him time to discuss this with his family clan. He will he call us soon. The shaman's name is Mr. Vang Xiong. He has been practicing shaman skills for almost 30 years. Please pray for him and his family clan, that God will call him and his clan to the Lord soon.
Hlua Saevang, 17 years old, was possessed by demons for almost 3 years. Missionaries, several Thai and Hmong servants had prayed for casting out the demons, but couldn't help. Finally, a Hmong servant called and asked me to help the boy, because they can't help the boy and the boy started to causing problems. He almost killed his mom and family members didn't know what to do. When we arrived in their home last night, the boy had a bad mood toward everybody. At last his father and I asked him to sit down and talk for few minites so we could calm him down. Then we sang songs and had Bible study for a little while. Then I started to tell him about the Lord Jesus Christ, presenting to him the plan of salvation and led him to the Lord, praying for the demons to be cast out. In 5 minutes he felt normal and started to laugh. He greeted the group in his house. We stayed the night and I baptizied him at 7 AM this morning in a dirty fish pond. That is the will of God! Don't forget to pray for him and his family. In the power of the Holy Spirit, we breakthrough many Hmong animistic beliefs.
In christ,
HIM Leader
The attached picture is Hlua Vang, about to be baptized by HIM Leader. I have cut HIM Leader out of the picture.
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