Report from HIM Leader-Shaman Coffee Ministry, Song Khwae
Just to keep you up dated on Coffee Ministry in Ban Song Khwae today. I had a good meeting with 2 shamans and a community leader. They agreed what I had shared to them was the True Living God. They told me that this is the first time they had ever heard about the One True Living God. They wish someone would have told them before. They felt that they have misled the clan for several decades. They will call their clan together for changing direction.
We will follow up these shamans and leaders for Christ.
The first priority of the Coffee Ministry is to reach shaman and village leaders. Pray that God will touch the animistic people and bring them to know God.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
We can see that many shaman and village leaders are open to the Gospel through the Coffee Ministry. We ask that you pray for this ministry. We also need funding to continue this ministry. If would you like to be a part of this ministry, please send your gifts to Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Road, Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013. HIM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all gifts are tax deductable.
Fracis D. Keck, CFO/President
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