Hmong International Ministries, Inc. will use new URL starting today for 2009. All new postings for the remainder of 2008 will be on new URL.
There will be Links to 2008, 2007, HIMPIX, and others.
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas at Huai Kook Near Lao Border
Please pray for Him Leader as they travel to Huai Kook
Dear Fran and all,
This is to remind you that we will travel to Huai Kook, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai, 5 Km from Lao border. It is a primitive village which I have mentioned before.
We will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and celebrate Christmas with believers on 12-17-08. Please pray for us and the people in the village that God might touch many people's hearts and many will be saved.
It takes 5 hrs to get there. We will depart early tomorrow morning and we will report back to you when we return.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Dear Fran and all,
This is to remind you that we will travel to Huai Kook, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai, 5 Km from Lao border. It is a primitive village which I have mentioned before.
We will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and celebrate Christmas with believers on 12-17-08. Please pray for us and the people in the village that God might touch many people's hearts and many will be saved.
It takes 5 hrs to get there. We will depart early tomorrow morning and we will report back to you when we return.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Sunday, December 14, 2008
HIM Leader Report on Lao Border Ministry
HIM Leader reporting on Border Ministry:
Border Ministry: We met 40 Hmong from Laos on the border, sharing the Gospel and presenting salvation to them. God touched several people's hearts. Four people made professions of faith in Jesus Christ this Sunday and many others are interested in the Gospel.
Two leaders from two villages came asking many questions in regard to Jesus Christ. I answered questions, clarifying that Jesus is the True Living God, He is the Saviour of the whole world, we can trust and believe in Him. Hmong are being held in bondage by the devil and our ancestors for a long period of time.
The two leaders told me they were tired of worshipping the spirits and ancestors. They want to know the truth and are ready to change their beliefs. The only thing they worry about is persecution from local authorities. I recommended they go to Vientiane to get permission from the Government Department of Religion to establish a church group in their village. The Lao constitution allows people to have free choice of religion. As soon as they have permission from the government official, they should be free to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in their village.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
HIM Leader Report-Christmas at Huai Li
Saturday, December 13, 2008
30 Years in Thailand (Since 1978)-Gene and Mary Long
Gene and Mary Long have served among the Yellow Leaf since finishing Thai language school. Shirley and I met them in Chiang Mai in 2005. It has been our honor to know them and have them as our friends. Below are before and after pictures.

Gene and Mary Long: It seems like it was only yesterday that we said our goodbyes and came to Thailand for the first time. Actually, the world has turned over many times since November 30, 1978 – the day we first landed in Bangkok, thirty years ago. Wow! Thirty years! It almost calls for a celebration, but there is too much work left to do for that. . . .
Thirty years ago. We're talking about last century, last millennium, pre- 9/11. Not that it was an ideal world back then: In America, Elvis Presley had just died, but Jimmy Carter was still president. In Thailand, no American fast food was available anywhere, kind of the sine qua non of a "real" mission field in those days. Nowadays, we measure that by access to the world wide web, a standard that pretty much keeps us on a "real" mission field here, but one by which my father-in-law in rural Iowa is also on one!
We arrived in Bangkok with two-year-old Allen in tow. Jared was seven months along in his gestation, and (you will not believe this) we still didn't know if he was going to be "Jared" or "Diana." Crystal came along later, in 1983, filling our quiver. And keeping our bank account empty!
We studied the Thai language in Bangkok for nine months, learning such useful phrases as "An elephant is bigger than a dog." Next, we moved north and learned the dialect of the Thai language spoken in this part of the country. Eventually, we found the Yellow Leaf people and began to work on winning their trust, learning their language and understanding their way of thinking. Telling them that an elephant is bigger than a dog didn't do much to impress them, but you have to start somewhere. So, we started.
There are lots of details between then and now, of course, but the rest of the story is that the story isn't finished yet. Progress has been slow, but the pace has been furious. It's like a marathon being run as a full sprint. We couldn't have made it this far alone! The Lord has sustained us through the prayers, gifts, love, encouragement and friendship of His people. We've found solace and motivation in His Word, even in the darkest times.
Lord willing, and by His grace, we're going to keep running "with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12.1-2). It's going to be interesting to see what the next thirty years is going to bring!
Love and prayers,
Gene and Mary Long

Gene and Mary Long: It seems like it was only yesterday that we said our goodbyes and came to Thailand for the first time. Actually, the world has turned over many times since November 30, 1978 – the day we first landed in Bangkok, thirty years ago. Wow! Thirty years! It almost calls for a celebration, but there is too much work left to do for that. . . .
Thirty years ago. We're talking about last century, last millennium, pre- 9/11. Not that it was an ideal world back then: In America, Elvis Presley had just died, but Jimmy Carter was still president. In Thailand, no American fast food was available anywhere, kind of the sine qua non of a "real" mission field in those days. Nowadays, we measure that by access to the world wide web, a standard that pretty much keeps us on a "real" mission field here, but one by which my father-in-law in rural Iowa is also on one!
We arrived in Bangkok with two-year-old Allen in tow. Jared was seven months along in his gestation, and (you will not believe this) we still didn't know if he was going to be "Jared" or "Diana." Crystal came along later, in 1983, filling our quiver. And keeping our bank account empty!
We studied the Thai language in Bangkok for nine months, learning such useful phrases as "An elephant is bigger than a dog." Next, we moved north and learned the dialect of the Thai language spoken in this part of the country. Eventually, we found the Yellow Leaf people and began to work on winning their trust, learning their language and understanding their way of thinking. Telling them that an elephant is bigger than a dog didn't do much to impress them, but you have to start somewhere. So, we started.
There are lots of details between then and now, of course, but the rest of the story is that the story isn't finished yet. Progress has been slow, but the pace has been furious. It's like a marathon being run as a full sprint. We couldn't have made it this far alone! The Lord has sustained us through the prayers, gifts, love, encouragement and friendship of His people. We've found solace and motivation in His Word, even in the darkest times.
Lord willing, and by His grace, we're going to keep running "with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12.1-2). It's going to be interesting to see what the next thirty years is going to bring!
Love and prayers,
Gene and Mary Long
Harvest Is Plentiful-Workers Are Few

HIM Leader ask for our Prayers:
Matthew 9:36-38 (New International Version)
36-When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37-Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38-Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Hmong Leader and his wife encounter many Hmong each week who have been searching for The One True Living God. All their lives they have not found comport in the worship of ancestors and the spirit world.
After hearing the Gospel presented by HIM Leader, village leaders and shaman realize they have been mislead by my their ancestors. They want their families and village to hear the Good News of The One True Living God. They want HIM Leader to return again and again. But there is always another primtive village over the next mountian who has heard about a messenger who has wonderful news for them. And HIM Leader must answer the Call.
God is truly touching hearts among Hmong in Northern Thailand and on the Lao border. Please ask the Lord of the harvest for more workers.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thanks to Dr. Larry Flegle and TMQ - Tires for HIM Leader's Truck
We thank Dr. Larry Flegle and TMQ for donating $400 for new tires for HIM Leader's truck. Travel is rough in the mountians of Thailand among the Hmong remote villages.
God Bless you Larry!!!
God Bless you Larry!!!
Hmong College Student Receives Christ
Report from NTIM, Chiang Rai: Michael Johnson
Dear John and Fran,
Hope this email finds you guys doing well. We are just in awe of how God is at work among the many peoples that live in and around Chiang Rai. God is at work among the Khon Muang UPG or more widely known as the Northern Thai UPG, among the Chinese, among the Karen, among the Lahu, etc but God is also at work among the Hmong as well in a special way.
Last year we had the privilege of playing a part in leading a young man to Christ named Jae. He is now a 3rd year student at Rachabhat. I met with him every week for discipleship for several months and baptized him last year in October. He is from Huay Khun village that we will be going to celebrate Christmas with on Monday. Jae will be going with us as well. He has become active in our church and he has been sharing Christ with his friends.
One of those friends is named Chris. He also is from a Hmong UPG and has been coming to Baan Athitaan Church for many months now. Two months ago he gave his heart to Jesus and today we met to talk about him following our Lord Jesus in believer's baptism. YEA!!!! We have scheduled that for Sunday December 21. Chris is from a neigboring village of Huay Khun and Chris is the first person in his family to give his heart to Jesus.
We are all rejoicing over Chris's decision to give his heart to Jesus and in his growing commitment to our Lord Jesus and wanting to be baptized. We know you guys have a special heart for the Hmong and wanted you to know that your prayers are being answered and Baan Athitaan Church is happy to join God is His great redemptive work among all the peoples in and around Northern Thailand including the Hmong UPG!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to Huay Khun village on Monday. We have heard that we will have about 200 folks that will join us for the Christmas celebration!!!!!!!! Today we transfered about 5,000 baht to Sa's parents to help us provide meals for about 200 folks and are preparing for a great time together. Please pray for me as I share about Christmas in Thai and also prayf or Sa as he translates from Thai to Hmong.
Needing your prayers and your support!!!!
Your Servants to Northern Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
Pastor, Baan Athitaan Church
VP, Northern Thailand Impact Ministry
Dear John and Fran,
Hope this email finds you guys doing well. We are just in awe of how God is at work among the many peoples that live in and around Chiang Rai. God is at work among the Khon Muang UPG or more widely known as the Northern Thai UPG, among the Chinese, among the Karen, among the Lahu, etc but God is also at work among the Hmong as well in a special way.
Last year we had the privilege of playing a part in leading a young man to Christ named Jae. He is now a 3rd year student at Rachabhat. I met with him every week for discipleship for several months and baptized him last year in October. He is from Huay Khun village that we will be going to celebrate Christmas with on Monday. Jae will be going with us as well. He has become active in our church and he has been sharing Christ with his friends.
One of those friends is named Chris. He also is from a Hmong UPG and has been coming to Baan Athitaan Church for many months now. Two months ago he gave his heart to Jesus and today we met to talk about him following our Lord Jesus in believer's baptism. YEA!!!! We have scheduled that for Sunday December 21. Chris is from a neigboring village of Huay Khun and Chris is the first person in his family to give his heart to Jesus.
We are all rejoicing over Chris's decision to give his heart to Jesus and in his growing commitment to our Lord Jesus and wanting to be baptized. We know you guys have a special heart for the Hmong and wanted you to know that your prayers are being answered and Baan Athitaan Church is happy to join God is His great redemptive work among all the peoples in and around Northern Thailand including the Hmong UPG!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to Huay Khun village on Monday. We have heard that we will have about 200 folks that will join us for the Christmas celebration!!!!!!!! Today we transfered about 5,000 baht to Sa's parents to help us provide meals for about 200 folks and are preparing for a great time together. Please pray for me as I share about Christmas in Thai and also prayf or Sa as he translates from Thai to Hmong.
Needing your prayers and your support!!!!
Your Servants to Northern Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
Pastor, Baan Athitaan Church
VP, Northern Thailand Impact Ministry
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
HIM Leader Report-Xeng Lor November Report
Report from HIM Leader: Xeng Lor monthly report:
To report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Chiang Rai Province during November-08 as the following:
1. Xeng preached, taught Sunday School classes for adult and children
2. Visitation of church members who were sick and prayed for them. Due to winter season a lot of members were sick
3. Proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared testimony to 60 people. Held Bible studies with 2 believer groups
4. Prayed for Thai government political crisis and that God would send more workers for harvesting.
5. Preparing church for Christmas program to be held by NTIM on Dec. 15
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
HIM Leader Report From Lao Border
Lao border report: See Pictures Below
Dear Fran and all,
Just to report to you in regard to Border Ministry last weekend.
We met several Hmong from Laos on border, Huai Khorne, Nan. The group was interested in the True Living God. Please pray for them that God will encounter their lives and bring them to know Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

Dear Fran and all,
Just to report to you in regard to Border Ministry last weekend.
We met several Hmong from Laos on border, Huai Khorne, Nan. The group was interested in the True Living God. Please pray for them that God will encounter their lives and bring them to know Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
HIM Leader November Report
HIM Leader report for November 2008:
To report to you all regarding Hmong Ministry of Northren Thailand during November-08 as the follows:
1. We have conducted a church revival in Ban Thai Charueng, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai Province. I preached significant Spiritual grow, taught Obedience and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many members rededicated their lives to the Lord.
2. Baptized a member in Mekong River and more members need to be baptize soon. This church has not had a servant for 3 years. They need a shepherd.
3. Taught Hmong literacy class for adult at Paklang Hmong Church.
4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy, English classes in two dorms.
5. Bible studies, praise, pray and lead fellowship services in 5 Cell groups.
6. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong animistic people from Lao on Thai border and prayed for.
7. Celebrated 25th anniversary of The Bible League Thailand in Chiang Mai.
8. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Hmong Ministries International Ministries (HIM) has touched the lives of many aninmistic people and made significant Spiritual growth available for assisting believer groups throughout Northern Thai. Without HIM signaficant Spiritual growth programs, many Hmong church groups will be isolated and many Hmong animistic from Lao across Thai border won't be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us and the people we are ministering to.
We will be busy in December due to the Christmas season and Hmong New Year celebration.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
To report to you all regarding Hmong Ministry of Northren Thailand during November-08 as the follows:
1. We have conducted a church revival in Ban Thai Charueng, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai Province. I preached significant Spiritual grow, taught Obedience and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many members rededicated their lives to the Lord.
2. Baptized a member in Mekong River and more members need to be baptize soon. This church has not had a servant for 3 years. They need a shepherd.
3. Taught Hmong literacy class for adult at Paklang Hmong Church.
4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy, English classes in two dorms.
5. Bible studies, praise, pray and lead fellowship services in 5 Cell groups.
6. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong animistic people from Lao on Thai border and prayed for.
7. Celebrated 25th anniversary of The Bible League Thailand in Chiang Mai.
8. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Hmong Ministries International Ministries (HIM) has touched the lives of many aninmistic people and made significant Spiritual growth available for assisting believer groups throughout Northern Thai. Without HIM signaficant Spiritual growth programs, many Hmong church groups will be isolated and many Hmong animistic from Lao across Thai border won't be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us and the people we are ministering to.
We will be busy in December due to the Christmas season and Hmong New Year celebration.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Monday, December 1, 2008
HIM Leader Report From Lao Border
HIM Leader's Report From Primitive Village on Lao Border in the Pucheefa Area-See Pictures Below:
To report you from the mission field on Thai-Laos border in Phucheefa area, Chiang Rai Province.
We went to Ban Laotakhao ( Phucheefa) for Bible studies with Cell groups and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a group of Hmong from Laos on the border. God touched some animistic Hmong there today. Hopely we can meet with them next month.
The Hmong from Laos are very poor. They sell natural products at a border trade market, see the attached photo.
Some of the Hmong villages at the border still live a primitive way of life. Please pray for them.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

To report you from the mission field on Thai-Laos border in Phucheefa area, Chiang Rai Province.
We went to Ban Laotakhao ( Phucheefa) for Bible studies with Cell groups and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a group of Hmong from Laos on the border. God touched some animistic Hmong there today. Hopely we can meet with them next month.
The Hmong from Laos are very poor. They sell natural products at a border trade market, see the attached photo.
Some of the Hmong villages at the border still live a primitive way of life. Please pray for them.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What Did These Children Do?
The children of Hmong Christian Community UMC in Milwaukee, WI really WOW ed us!!!
These children worked very hard during 2008 to raise money for missions by performing a concert and selling Hmong noodles.
The Children's Ministry Team allocated $701 to HIM for Hmong Leadership Training in Southeast Asia and two small Hmong Children Dorms in Nan and Lampang Provinces.
The Leadership Training in remote villages and on the Lao border is a very large part of HIM's ministry. This donation will help greatly in the Coffee Ministry in these villages. HIM Leader sets up meetings with various leaders in a village: mayor, shaman, religious leaders, etc. The results from these meetings has opened up great opportunities for spreading the Gospel.
These dorms, Heavenly Gift and Camp Joy, will really benefit from this donation.
In all our years serving in Thailand, seldom have we been so overwhelmed by such a act of love as we see through these children.
Thank you Mai, Stacy, and Pastor Toua for your leadership. Thanks to the church for supporting their wonderful children.
Hmong Christian Community Methodist Church:
The Association of Hmong UMC:
Praise God for children!
These children worked very hard during 2008 to raise money for missions by performing a concert and selling Hmong noodles.
The Children's Ministry Team allocated $701 to HIM for Hmong Leadership Training in Southeast Asia and two small Hmong Children Dorms in Nan and Lampang Provinces.
The Leadership Training in remote villages and on the Lao border is a very large part of HIM's ministry. This donation will help greatly in the Coffee Ministry in these villages. HIM Leader sets up meetings with various leaders in a village: mayor, shaman, religious leaders, etc. The results from these meetings has opened up great opportunities for spreading the Gospel.
These dorms, Heavenly Gift and Camp Joy, will really benefit from this donation.
In all our years serving in Thailand, seldom have we been so overwhelmed by such a act of love as we see through these children.
Thank you Mai, Stacy, and Pastor Toua for your leadership. Thanks to the church for supporting their wonderful children.
Hmong Christian Community Methodist Church:
The Association of Hmong UMC:
Praise God for children!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
HIM Leader Reports on The Bible League of Thailand-25 years of Serving Christ in Thailand
Sunday, November 16, 2008
HIM Leader Report from Chiang Rai Province
Report from HIM Leader:
This is to keep you all up dated on church revival in Ban Thai Careung, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai. Many believers had a signaficant Spiritual revival encounter in their lives.
This church building is nice but the Spiritual faith is almost isolated. They haven't had a Spiritual revival for years, sheep without sheepherder, facing tough times, demonic temptation, sickness, family problems and so on. Without Hmong International Ministries many souls will be isolated.
This is first time I have baptized a believer in Mekong River, just half mile from the church.
The church members need Spiritual nurturing. They have been asking for a pastor to stay with them. Members have rededicated their lives to the Lord and begun to have Spiritual growth again.
Secondly, we went to another primative village in Phucheefa where they have just began to build a church there. The Coffee Ministry in Ban Huai Tiew has been canceled due to a funeral in the village and will be rescheduled.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Friday, November 7, 2008
Phucheefa Area-Pray for HIM Leader
HIM Leader in Phucheefa Area:
Just to remind you all that we have scheduled church revivals in Ban Thai Chareung and Ban Fikuke, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai (Phucheefa area) 3 miles from Thai border. Your prayer support will resist the evil spirits as they flee from animistic people and will draw believers closer to God.
We will be preaching and teaching Significant Spiritual Growth and sharing the Gospel on Nov 11-12. We will have a Coffee Ministry for religious and village leaders in Ban Huai Tiew on Nov 13-08. I pray that God will encounter those leaders lives and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ and knowing the true Living God.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Just to remind you all that we have scheduled church revivals in Ban Thai Chareung and Ban Fikuke, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai (Phucheefa area) 3 miles from Thai border. Your prayer support will resist the evil spirits as they flee from animistic people and will draw believers closer to God.
We will be preaching and teaching Significant Spiritual Growth and sharing the Gospel on Nov 11-12. We will have a Coffee Ministry for religious and village leaders in Ban Huai Tiew on Nov 13-08. I pray that God will encounter those leaders lives and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ and knowing the true Living God.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
News from NTIM-Chiang Rai
Michael and Hope Johnson serve God in Northern Thailand through Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM)- Two Hmong students at a local university are members of their church in Chiang Rai. These students are from HIM Home Missionary's village/church in Huai Khu Village. Pray for NTIM as they minister to this village of Hmong friends. Below is their recent news letter.
It is Friday November 7 ........but December 20 will be here soon. What is the big deal about December 20? It is the day that we have chosen to host the single largest evangelistic event we have ever held in Northern Thailand. Last year we had over 800 people attend this event and this year we are asking God for over 1,000 people. It will be a day that multitudes of people from our community and over 25 different unreached people groups will have a chance to hear the message of our Great Savior - some of whom have never ever heard the gospel before.
It is our heart's desire that we see many Thai people , Burmese people, and Chinese people give their hearts to Jesus this season. We live in a part of the world where less than 1 out of every 100 people know Jesus as their personal Savior. We have been in the process of planning 12 key "Christmas evangelism" events that we will be involved in this year. We believe God wants many of these precious people to come to know Jesus this Christmas season...but we need your help to do that. Please consider donating a "Christmas love offering for NTIM" this Christmas season and help us reach all the peoples living in and around Northern Thailand for Jesus. With prayer as our foundation, please join us and ...
YOU CAN PRAY...............
Pray for our decoration party at Baan Athitaan Church on Sunday November 9 at 1:00pm. Jesus used "festivals" as a part of reaching out to the crowds with His message and we want to begin preparing our community for the celebration of our King.
Pray for our two holiday English camps on November 20 and November 21 in the province of Kampaengphet. We will be putting on 2 camps with over 115 children attending each one. These schools are where Bum's parents are teachers and where one of Bum's aunts is a teacher. This will be about an 8 hour drive for us and we will be spending 2 nights with Bum's parents who are not believers yet.
Pray for our Christmas party on November 29 - a Christmas party for the children grades 1-6 that study English at Baan Athitaan Church each Saturday morning.
Pray for us as we pass out shoe boxes from Samaritan's Purse from December 2-4 to some of the poorest and most needy children in our community.
Pray for the Christmas party on December 9 that we want to hold for all the street children that live in Mae Sai along the border of Myanmar and Thailand where we have a ministry called Open Doors that one of our church members - Frank Smith - heads up that ministry outreach.
Pray for Grace Langauge School's Christmas ESL Camp on December 12 -14 at Nataporn Resort - We have not had an event like this in 4 years and are looking forward to Emmanual Baptist Church from Tuscaloosa, AL working with us on this awesome event. Please remember to pray for EBC and our team here as we prepare for this camp.
Pray for our "Christmas Party at Huay Khu village on December 15. Baan Athitaan Church will be helping the church at Huay Khu village celebrate Christmas. This will be a mission trip for us and will be taking a team from Baan Athitaan Church and the team from Emmanual Baptist Church to this Hmong village to share the love of Jesus. We have 2 members of our church who are from this village about 3 hours away.
Pray for our "Christmas Coffee House" on December 19 - a Christmas party for our adult students that study English in the evenings every Tuesday and Thursday at Grace Language School.
Pray that the hearts of the people in our community will be open to the gospel as it is shared on December 20 at Baan Athitaan Church's Christmas celebration, where we had over 800 people last year and many decisions for Jesus.
Pray for hundreds of Thai people from our community as they come and celebrate Christmas with us.
Pray for those from Burma and China who will also come to celebrate Christmas with us this year. (God has given us great inroads to students from China and Burma who are here in Chiang Rai studying at one of the universities.)
Pray for Michael as he shares an evangelistic message during our celebration.
Pray for our church family as we all work together to pull this event off and welcome our community to our church and to our great God.
Pray for the team from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church from Kansas City that will be coming out to help us with this event as well as helping support a newly formed ministry called Child and Family Prison Ministries that several from our church family have recently formed.
Pray for our Christmas caroling in the community on December 23 here in Chiang Rai.
Pray for the Christmas service at Baan Athitaan Church on December 25 from 10:30-1:00. This is a new type of event for us, but one that our Thai family wants to have on Christmas day. We will have a time of worship and observance of the Lord's Supper and then have a "pot luck" type meal afterwards with some games and a time of singing together.
Pray for our church family and our church staff as we plan, organize, and prepare for each of these events and seek to provide opportunities for literally tens of thousands of people in Northern Thailand the chance to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus - many for the first time ever.
YOU CAN GIVE ...............
We are in need of $6,000 to $10,000 to come in by the end of November or begining of December so that we can prepare appropriately for these events. We are wanting to provide good quality evangelistic literature, gifts, great food, and decorations for these various evangelistic events. We are needing some additional support to pull it off with just the right touch. These are not "expenses" these are investments for the Kingdom of God. If the Lord touches your heart to give, please make your check out to Northern Thailand Impact Ministry and mail it to the address at the bottom of this message. It would also be great if you would just send us an email letting us know what is coming.
Many people want to give in a special way at Christmas to a missionary cause or special cause that is really going to mean something to people's lives but don't know where. This may be an opportunity for you to help your family and friends know where their donation can make a difference.
This is a great way to help others become aware of a way they can make a real differnce in the lives of those living on the other side of the world this Christmas.
Your Servants to Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
"..Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spririt, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you, even to the very end of the age." Mathew 28:19-20
Donations can be sent to:
Northern Thailand Impact Ministry, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260.
It is Friday November 7 ........but December 20 will be here soon. What is the big deal about December 20? It is the day that we have chosen to host the single largest evangelistic event we have ever held in Northern Thailand. Last year we had over 800 people attend this event and this year we are asking God for over 1,000 people. It will be a day that multitudes of people from our community and over 25 different unreached people groups will have a chance to hear the message of our Great Savior - some of whom have never ever heard the gospel before.
It is our heart's desire that we see many Thai people , Burmese people, and Chinese people give their hearts to Jesus this season. We live in a part of the world where less than 1 out of every 100 people know Jesus as their personal Savior. We have been in the process of planning 12 key "Christmas evangelism" events that we will be involved in this year. We believe God wants many of these precious people to come to know Jesus this Christmas season...but we need your help to do that. Please consider donating a "Christmas love offering for NTIM" this Christmas season and help us reach all the peoples living in and around Northern Thailand for Jesus. With prayer as our foundation, please join us and ...
YOU CAN PRAY...............
Pray for our decoration party at Baan Athitaan Church on Sunday November 9 at 1:00pm. Jesus used "festivals" as a part of reaching out to the crowds with His message and we want to begin preparing our community for the celebration of our King.
Pray for our two holiday English camps on November 20 and November 21 in the province of Kampaengphet. We will be putting on 2 camps with over 115 children attending each one. These schools are where Bum's parents are teachers and where one of Bum's aunts is a teacher. This will be about an 8 hour drive for us and we will be spending 2 nights with Bum's parents who are not believers yet.
Pray for our Christmas party on November 29 - a Christmas party for the children grades 1-6 that study English at Baan Athitaan Church each Saturday morning.
Pray for us as we pass out shoe boxes from Samaritan's Purse from December 2-4 to some of the poorest and most needy children in our community.
Pray for the Christmas party on December 9 that we want to hold for all the street children that live in Mae Sai along the border of Myanmar and Thailand where we have a ministry called Open Doors that one of our church members - Frank Smith - heads up that ministry outreach.
Pray for Grace Langauge School's Christmas ESL Camp on December 12 -14 at Nataporn Resort - We have not had an event like this in 4 years and are looking forward to Emmanual Baptist Church from Tuscaloosa, AL working with us on this awesome event. Please remember to pray for EBC and our team here as we prepare for this camp.
Pray for our "Christmas Party at Huay Khu village on December 15. Baan Athitaan Church will be helping the church at Huay Khu village celebrate Christmas. This will be a mission trip for us and will be taking a team from Baan Athitaan Church and the team from Emmanual Baptist Church to this Hmong village to share the love of Jesus. We have 2 members of our church who are from this village about 3 hours away.
Pray for our "Christmas Coffee House" on December 19 - a Christmas party for our adult students that study English in the evenings every Tuesday and Thursday at Grace Language School.
Pray that the hearts of the people in our community will be open to the gospel as it is shared on December 20 at Baan Athitaan Church's Christmas celebration, where we had over 800 people last year and many decisions for Jesus.
Pray for hundreds of Thai people from our community as they come and celebrate Christmas with us.
Pray for those from Burma and China who will also come to celebrate Christmas with us this year. (God has given us great inroads to students from China and Burma who are here in Chiang Rai studying at one of the universities.)
Pray for Michael as he shares an evangelistic message during our celebration.
Pray for our church family as we all work together to pull this event off and welcome our community to our church and to our great God.
Pray for the team from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church from Kansas City that will be coming out to help us with this event as well as helping support a newly formed ministry called Child and Family Prison Ministries that several from our church family have recently formed.
Pray for our Christmas caroling in the community on December 23 here in Chiang Rai.
Pray for the Christmas service at Baan Athitaan Church on December 25 from 10:30-1:00. This is a new type of event for us, but one that our Thai family wants to have on Christmas day. We will have a time of worship and observance of the Lord's Supper and then have a "pot luck" type meal afterwards with some games and a time of singing together.
Pray for our church family and our church staff as we plan, organize, and prepare for each of these events and seek to provide opportunities for literally tens of thousands of people in Northern Thailand the chance to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus - many for the first time ever.
YOU CAN GIVE ...............
We are in need of $6,000 to $10,000 to come in by the end of November or begining of December so that we can prepare appropriately for these events. We are wanting to provide good quality evangelistic literature, gifts, great food, and decorations for these various evangelistic events. We are needing some additional support to pull it off with just the right touch. These are not "expenses" these are investments for the Kingdom of God. If the Lord touches your heart to give, please make your check out to Northern Thailand Impact Ministry and mail it to the address at the bottom of this message. It would also be great if you would just send us an email letting us know what is coming.
Many people want to give in a special way at Christmas to a missionary cause or special cause that is really going to mean something to people's lives but don't know where. This may be an opportunity for you to help your family and friends know where their donation can make a difference.
This is a great way to help others become aware of a way they can make a real differnce in the lives of those living on the other side of the world this Christmas.
Your Servants to Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
"..Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spririt, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you, even to the very end of the age." Mathew 28:19-20
Donations can be sent to:
Northern Thailand Impact Ministry, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
HIM Leader Report on Xeng and Bangyat
HIM Leader Report on Home Missionaries:
To report you in regard Banyat and Xeng's job performances during Oct-08 as the following:
From Banyat, Nan province
1. Bible studies and praise and prayer for Lua Cell group on the farm
2. Bible studies and lead worship service in his village
3. Teaching Hmong literacy class for 5 people
4. Shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 7 people
5. Attended to Northern Thai Baptist Convention annual meeting in Nan City, Nan
6. Preached the Gospel in Nam Tuang Baptist Church
From Xeng Lor, Chiang Rai province
1. Preached, taught Sunday School for adult and children in the church
2. Visitation of members who were sick and pray for them
3. Shared the Gospel and witnessing to 62 animistic people in 4 villages
4. Visited inactive members and pray for them
5. Prayed for servants on mission field and asking God to send more workers for harvesting
6. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
7. Partnership with all Hmong denomination churches
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
To report you in regard Banyat and Xeng's job performances during Oct-08 as the following:
From Banyat, Nan province
1. Bible studies and praise and prayer for Lua Cell group on the farm
2. Bible studies and lead worship service in his village
3. Teaching Hmong literacy class for 5 people
4. Shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 7 people
5. Attended to Northern Thai Baptist Convention annual meeting in Nan City, Nan
6. Preached the Gospel in Nam Tuang Baptist Church
From Xeng Lor, Chiang Rai province
1. Preached, taught Sunday School for adult and children in the church
2. Visitation of members who were sick and pray for them
3. Shared the Gospel and witnessing to 62 animistic people in 4 villages
4. Visited inactive members and pray for them
5. Prayed for servants on mission field and asking God to send more workers for harvesting
6. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
7. Partnership with all Hmong denomination churches
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Monday, November 3, 2008
HIM Leader October Report
HIM Leader October report:
To report you in regard Hmong ministry of Northern Thai during Oct-08 as the following
1. We have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and 6 people got saved
2. Preached significant Spiritual growth and taught Adolescence for youth. Many youth had rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ during youth camp. There were 301 youth attended to youth camp
3. Conducted church revivals for 2 churches in significant Spiritual growth in Chiang Rai. Many people rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Bible studies and Hmong literacy classes in 2 dorms
5. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in 5 church houses in Nan and Chiang Rai
6. Maintaining relationship with Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border
7. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thai
Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progressive. God touched many Hmong hearts and saved souls through Hmong International Ministires. Beside this, we have provided significant Spiritual growth and parenting quidance for Hmong church groups. Without your support many Hmong won't be able to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
To report you in regard Hmong ministry of Northern Thai during Oct-08 as the following
1. We have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and 6 people got saved
2. Preached significant Spiritual growth and taught Adolescence for youth. Many youth had rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ during youth camp. There were 301 youth attended to youth camp
3. Conducted church revivals for 2 churches in significant Spiritual growth in Chiang Rai. Many people rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Bible studies and Hmong literacy classes in 2 dorms
5. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in 5 church houses in Nan and Chiang Rai
6. Maintaining relationship with Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border
7. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thai
Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progressive. God touched many Hmong hearts and saved souls through Hmong International Ministires. Beside this, we have provided significant Spiritual growth and parenting quidance for Hmong church groups. Without your support many Hmong won't be able to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
HIM Leader Report from Chiang Rai Province
Report from HIM Leader:
Dear Fran ,
The Lord Jesus Christ is working among Hmong animistic people. As I presented salvation plan to several kids in Bam Xaythong, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai last week the kids were afraid of evil spirits and the lake of fire. ( They have experinced and are taught by the family about evil spirits).
The Lord Jesus Christ is working among Hmong animistic people. As I presented salvation plan to several kids in Bam Xaythong, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai last week the kids were afraid of evil spirits and the lake of fire. ( They have experinced and are taught by the family about evil spirits).
Nine year old Mang ( 4 th grader) was one of the kids I shared the picture chart. She ran home and brought her father to see me and begging him that she needs Jesus Christ. She wanted to get saved right away. Her father is a shaman. She wanted to make sure that her father knew what happened. She asked permission from her father about accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. The shaman prayed along with his daughter. The whole family will become Christians sometime in the future .
In Christ,
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
What an awesome God! Hmong in many villages in Chiang Rai Province are coming to Christ.
Please pray for HIM Leader as he serves as a Frontline Servant.
Also, please pray for funds to keep this ministry going forward. Thankfully fuel cost have gone down some. We continue to need funds for revivals, border meetings, meetings with village leaders (Coffee Ministry), materials for Bible studies and Hmong/English literacy classes, Family Life Ministry, and Cell Church materials.
Hmong International Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit faith based non-denomination organization. All donations go directly to the ministry in Thailand.
If you would like to help this ministry among the Hmong in Thailand, please send your donation to: Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Rd., Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013
Thank you for your prayers,
Francis D. Keck
Thursday, October 30, 2008
HIM Leader Report from Phuchifa Area and Baan Thai
HIM Leader report from Chiang Rai Province:
Dear Fran and all,
Just to keep you up dated on church revivals and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong people at Phucheefa areas, Chiang Rai. I preached and taught on significant Spiritual growth. Many believers rededicated lives to the Lord.
We also shared the Good News to a group of Hmong in Baan Thai, VienKaeng District, Chiang Rai. Mr. Pao Saesong invited us to his home. He wanted to know more about salvation. We presented salvation plan to his family. He and his wife with 2 kids ( family of 4 ) made profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Many more in this village are interested in the Good News.
We have plans to follow up prospects next month.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Picture of Mr, and Mrs. Song
and Baan Thai

Dear Fran and all,
Just to keep you up dated on church revivals and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong people at Phucheefa areas, Chiang Rai. I preached and taught on significant Spiritual growth. Many believers rededicated lives to the Lord.
We also shared the Good News to a group of Hmong in Baan Thai, VienKaeng District, Chiang Rai. Mr. Pao Saesong invited us to his home. He wanted to know more about salvation. We presented salvation plan to his family. He and his wife with 2 kids ( family of 4 ) made profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Many more in this village are interested in the Good News.
We have plans to follow up prospects next month.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
and Baan Thai
Thursday, October 16, 2008
301 Attend Youth Camp - Chiang Rai Province

HIM Leader reports that a Youth Camp was held Oct. 9-12, 2008 in Vien Kaeng District, Chiang Rai Province. 301 youth attended and HIM Leader taught and preached 4 hours a day for 3 days.
A large number of youth rededicated their lives with other decision being made. One youth received Christ.
This year's Youth Camp was much larger than last year. It is truly amazing what God is doing in Northern Thailand among the Hmong.
Please pray for HIM Leader and his wife as they serve throughout several Northern Provinces in Thailand among the Hmong.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
HIM Leader Report:Xeng and Bangyat September 2008
This is HIM Leader's Monthly Report of Xeng and Bangyat for September 2008:
This is a report to you regarding Bangyat and Xeng Home Mission of Northern Thailand as follows:
From Banyat Saeher, Nan
1. Visitation Lua cell group on the farm and have Bible studies, pray for them
2. Follow up Lua prospects on the farm, sharing the Gospel and praying with them
3. Bible studies and lead fellowship service in his village
4. Proclaimed the Gospel to 12 people
5. Preached the Gospel in Ban Nam Tuang Baptist Church and held Bible studies and prayed with Hmong cell group in Ban Haui Li, Nan
From Xeng Lor, Huai Khu, Chiang Rai
1. Preached the Gospel and lead worship services in the church
2. Teaching SS for children and adults
3. Teaching songs for church members
4. Visitation, taught Gospel and shared testimonies to 42 people in 3 villages
5. Visitation to members who were sick, praying for them
6. Coordinated closely with church denominations throughout Northen Thailand
Conclusion: Without your support these two workers won't able to nurture believer groups in villages and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ the lost Hmong
In Christ
HIM Leader, Frontline servant
This is a report to you regarding Bangyat and Xeng Home Mission of Northern Thailand as follows:
From Banyat Saeher, Nan
1. Visitation Lua cell group on the farm and have Bible studies, pray for them
2. Follow up Lua prospects on the farm, sharing the Gospel and praying with them
3. Bible studies and lead fellowship service in his village
4. Proclaimed the Gospel to 12 people
5. Preached the Gospel in Ban Nam Tuang Baptist Church and held Bible studies and prayed with Hmong cell group in Ban Haui Li, Nan
From Xeng Lor, Huai Khu, Chiang Rai
1. Preached the Gospel and lead worship services in the church
2. Teaching SS for children and adults
3. Teaching songs for church members
4. Visitation, taught Gospel and shared testimonies to 42 people in 3 villages
5. Visitation to members who were sick, praying for them
6. Coordinated closely with church denominations throughout Northen Thailand
Conclusion: Without your support these two workers won't able to nurture believer groups in villages and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ the lost Hmong
In Christ
HIM Leader, Frontline servant
HIM Leader September 2008
This is HIM Leader's September 2008 Monthly Report:
This is to report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thailand during September-08 as the following:
1. Bought 3 people into saving faith in Jesus in Ban Nong Hoi Mai, Chiang Mai Province
2. Church staff training and revival in Ban Khoone Sathang, Nan Province
3. Bible studies, praise and prayer with 5 church groups
4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy and English classes in two dorms
5. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
6. Visitation Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border and
held Bible studies, praise, and prayed with them
7. Met with Immigration and US Consulate General, Chiang Mai
8. Visitation of patients at Pua Hospital and prayed for them
Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progress, God touched many hearts and God saved 3 people, provided church revivals and Church staff training for church groups. Please pray for us and the people we are mimnistering to
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline servant
This is to report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thailand during September-08 as the following:
1. Bought 3 people into saving faith in Jesus in Ban Nong Hoi Mai, Chiang Mai Province
2. Church staff training and revival in Ban Khoone Sathang, Nan Province
3. Bible studies, praise and prayer with 5 church groups
4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy and English classes in two dorms
5. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
6. Visitation Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border and
held Bible studies, praise, and prayed with them
7. Met with Immigration and US Consulate General, Chiang Mai
8. Visitation of patients at Pua Hospital and prayed for them
Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progress, God touched many hearts and God saved 3 people, provided church revivals and Church staff training for church groups. Please pray for us and the people we are mimnistering to
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline servant
Friday, September 12, 2008
HIM Leader Report: Xeng and Bangyat-August
The following are monthly reports from Xeng and Bangyat to HIM Leader for August 2008:
To report to you regarding Xeng Lor's job performance during August-08 as the following details:
1. Preached and taught Sunday School for children and adults
2. Proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ and shared testimonies to 60 people in 4 villages
3. Visitation: he visited members those whose were sick and pray for them
4. Participated in our Coffee Ministry in Ban Lao U, Chiang Rai
5. Follow up prospects and have Bible studies and pray for them
6. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Xeng continues to improve his job performance each month. I plan for him to participate in The Bible League Thailand's Cell Church Planting Training during the last quater of this year.
Please see the following monthly report from Banyat Her, Nan Province:
1. Preached at Nam Tuang Baptist Church and shared the gospel to 5 people there
2. Bible studies and prayed for Lua on the farm
3. Visited Lua sick and prayed for them
4. Bible studies, praise, pray for members and witnessing to 1 family in the village
5. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Mr. Vam Khu Her in Ban Pam Poei, Nan
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Slave
To report to you regarding Xeng Lor's job performance during August-08 as the following details:
1. Preached and taught Sunday School for children and adults
2. Proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ and shared testimonies to 60 people in 4 villages
3. Visitation: he visited members those whose were sick and pray for them
4. Participated in our Coffee Ministry in Ban Lao U, Chiang Rai
5. Follow up prospects and have Bible studies and pray for them
6. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Xeng continues to improve his job performance each month. I plan for him to participate in The Bible League Thailand's Cell Church Planting Training during the last quater of this year.
Please see the following monthly report from Banyat Her, Nan Province:
1. Preached at Nam Tuang Baptist Church and shared the gospel to 5 people there
2. Bible studies and prayed for Lua on the farm
3. Visited Lua sick and prayed for them
4. Bible studies, praise, pray for members and witnessing to 1 family in the village
5. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Mr. Vam Khu Her in Ban Pam Poei, Nan
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Slave
HIM Leader Report-August 2008
HIM Leader August 2008 Report:
To report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thailand during August-08 as the following details:
1. Conducted a Coffee Ministry in Ban Lao U, Thoeung District,Chiang Rai. (August 20 blog posting) We reached shaman and community leaders. A long discussion was conducted with them in regard to animistic beliefs and the True Living God ( the Creator). At last, they all agreed that their ancestors had misled them for decades. They know that they were in bondage of evil spirits for a long period of time. They wish they had known the True Living God before. They agreed to call for a meeting to see if people are ready the make change: " believing the True Living God" Please pray for our return to this village soon.
2. Preached and conducted Bible studies for 7 believer groups in Nan, Phayao and Chiang Rai
3. Bible studies, teach Hmong Literacy and English classes in two dorms
4. Performed wedding ceremony for church member in Ban Pam Kae, Nan
5. Maintain relationship with Hmong believers from Laos on Thai border
6. Coordinated closely with church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Hmong International Ministries , Inc. (HIM) reached the unreached and religious/community leaders to know the Lord Jesus Christ. We conducted significant Spiritual Growth Program to teach and train leaders/members for church growth. Because of your support, we have made significant Spiritual growth programs available to assist believers.
Please pray for us and the people we are serving.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Slave
To report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thailand during August-08 as the following details:
1. Conducted a Coffee Ministry in Ban Lao U, Thoeung District,Chiang Rai. (August 20 blog posting) We reached shaman and community leaders. A long discussion was conducted with them in regard to animistic beliefs and the True Living God ( the Creator). At last, they all agreed that their ancestors had misled them for decades. They know that they were in bondage of evil spirits for a long period of time. They wish they had known the True Living God before. They agreed to call for a meeting to see if people are ready the make change: " believing the True Living God" Please pray for our return to this village soon.
2. Preached and conducted Bible studies for 7 believer groups in Nan, Phayao and Chiang Rai
3. Bible studies, teach Hmong Literacy and English classes in two dorms
4. Performed wedding ceremony for church member in Ban Pam Kae, Nan
5. Maintain relationship with Hmong believers from Laos on Thai border
6. Coordinated closely with church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Hmong International Ministries , Inc. (HIM) reached the unreached and religious/community leaders to know the Lord Jesus Christ. We conducted significant Spiritual Growth Program to teach and train leaders/members for church growth. Because of your support, we have made significant Spiritual growth programs available to assist believers.
Please pray for us and the people we are serving.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Slave
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
HIM Leader Report-Coffee Ministry in Phucheefa

God is really working in Phucheefa. Village after village is welcoming the Word. HIM Leader's latest report:
Dear Fran and all,
This is to keep you up dated on the Coffee Ministry in Ban Lao U, Theung District, Chiang Rai Province (Phucheefa area)
We had a great opportunity to discuss with religious and community leaders in the village regarding their animistic belief and the True Living God ( the Creator). They all agreed that their ancestors had misled them. Since their ancestors didn't know the truth, they just followed whatever ancestors told them to do. They wish someone could have shared the Truth of the Living God to them earlier.
Conclusion: Both religious and community leaders will work together and set up a meeting for the whole population and they hope everybody will in the truth about the true Living God ( the Creator). We sincerely hope we will hear from them soon. Please pray for the religious and leaders and the people in the village.
See the photos: photo of the village, at the meeting table the 1st person on right is Mr. Cha Ko, community leader, and single photo is Mr. Nu Ki, religious leader.
In Christ
HIM Leader
Monday, August 4, 2008
HIM Leader Report:Xeng and Banyat,July 2008
Below is Xeng and Bangyat's July activities in Chiang Rai and Nan Provinces:
Please see the enclosed reports from Banyat and Xeng Lor during July-08 as the following:
From Banyat, Ban Song Khwae, Nan Province
1. Preached at Nam Tuang Baptist Church
2. Bible studies and follow-up with Lua believers on the farms near Ban Song Khwae
3. Preached the gospel to believers in Ban Pam Kae
4. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in Ban Song Khwae, Nan Province
5. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
From Xeng Lor, Huai Khu, Chiang Rai Province
1. Preached the Gospel in the church and taught SS school for children and adults in his church, Huai Khu Village
2. Sharing the Gospel and testimony to 68 people in 4 villages
3. Visitation to members and praying for those who were sick
4. Attended Church Leader meeting in Theung, Chiang Rai
5. Coordinated with church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: More Hmong leaders need to be trained. There is not enough funding to do all that needs to be done.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM ministry is still stable in Nan and Chiang Rai in pite of continuing battles against Satan's interference. Satan as some very surprising partners.
Please pray for HIM Leader and his wife; Xeng and his wife; and Bangyat and his wife as they minister to the Hmong of Northern Thailand and those clandestine meetings on the Laos border.
Hmong International Ministries, Inc., is a 503 (c) (3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Hmong International Ministries, Inc.
3867 Airline Road
Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013
In Christ,
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
Please see the enclosed reports from Banyat and Xeng Lor during July-08 as the following:
From Banyat, Ban Song Khwae, Nan Province
1. Preached at Nam Tuang Baptist Church
2. Bible studies and follow-up with Lua believers on the farms near Ban Song Khwae
3. Preached the gospel to believers in Ban Pam Kae
4. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in Ban Song Khwae, Nan Province
5. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
From Xeng Lor, Huai Khu, Chiang Rai Province
1. Preached the Gospel in the church and taught SS school for children and adults in his church, Huai Khu Village
2. Sharing the Gospel and testimony to 68 people in 4 villages
3. Visitation to members and praying for those who were sick
4. Attended Church Leader meeting in Theung, Chiang Rai
5. Coordinated with church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: More Hmong leaders need to be trained. There is not enough funding to do all that needs to be done.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM ministry is still stable in Nan and Chiang Rai in pite of continuing battles against Satan's interference. Satan as some very surprising partners.
Please pray for HIM Leader and his wife; Xeng and his wife; and Bangyat and his wife as they minister to the Hmong of Northern Thailand and those clandestine meetings on the Laos border.
Hmong International Ministries, Inc., is a 503 (c) (3) non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Hmong International Ministries, Inc.
3867 Airline Road
Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013
In Christ,
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
HIM Leader: July 2008 Report
Below is HIM Leader's July Report:
Fran and all,
This is to report to you our activities during July-08 in the following details:
1. A successful church revival was held in Khun Yuam District, Maehongson Province. There were 5 churches and about 150 believers attending the revival camp. This was the very first time the churches have had a revival.
2. A church revival was held in Ban MaePao Prayapiphud District, Chiang Rai Province. There were 3 churches with 100 believers attending the church revival.
3. Bible studies and Hmong literacy classes were held in 2 dorms
4. Preached the Gospel, held Bible studies, praise and prayer in 4 church groups in Nan and Phayao Provinces
5. Coordinated closely with Hmong Church leaders throughout Norhern Thailand
6. Maintain relationship with Hmong believers of Laos on Thai border
Conclusion: Hmong International Ministries have provided revivals for churches, Bible studies, parenting quidance for church groups, teaching Hmong literacy, and English classes.
Classes and studies for Spiritual growth for church groups of Northern Thailand were provided. Many believers have rededicated their lives to the Lord.
Our target is reaching religious and community leaders. God is at work and He is working among Hmong religious and community leaders.
Please pray for us as we minister to the Hmong people of Northern Thailand.
In christ,
HIM Leader
Fran and all,
This is to report to you our activities during July-08 in the following details:
1. A successful church revival was held in Khun Yuam District, Maehongson Province. There were 5 churches and about 150 believers attending the revival camp. This was the very first time the churches have had a revival.
2. A church revival was held in Ban MaePao Prayapiphud District, Chiang Rai Province. There were 3 churches with 100 believers attending the church revival.
3. Bible studies and Hmong literacy classes were held in 2 dorms
4. Preached the Gospel, held Bible studies, praise and prayer in 4 church groups in Nan and Phayao Provinces
5. Coordinated closely with Hmong Church leaders throughout Norhern Thailand
6. Maintain relationship with Hmong believers of Laos on Thai border
Conclusion: Hmong International Ministries have provided revivals for churches, Bible studies, parenting quidance for church groups, teaching Hmong literacy, and English classes.
Classes and studies for Spiritual growth for church groups of Northern Thailand were provided. Many believers have rededicated their lives to the Lord.
Our target is reaching religious and community leaders. God is at work and He is working among Hmong religious and community leaders.
Please pray for us as we minister to the Hmong people of Northern Thailand.
In christ,
HIM Leader
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
HIM Leader Report on Revival
Below is a report from HIM Leader:
Dear Fran and all,
Just to report to you all that we had a successful church revival in Khun Yuam District, Maehongson Province. There were 5 churches attending the revival camp, about 150 believers. This was the very first time these churches have had a revival. The people were very excited.
I preached the Gospel, taught leadership skills, Spiritual growth, obedience, parenting quidance and Hmong literacy classes for youth.
Besides this, we visited a Karen Village on the Burma border and passed out some tracks to them. See the attached photos, especially the Karen long neck lady.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Healing of Mack Riggs
The following is Mack Riggs Testimony of God's Healing:
Dear family and friends,
Ann and I want to tell you once more how much your prayers and encouragements blessed us during my struggle with cancer. It is because of your powerful praying that Jesus did far more than we had hoped. He supernaturally accomplished what the best of modern medicine could not do - cure my cancer and heal my prostate.
We have been back home for 4 weeks now, and continue to rejoice in the Lord over his mercy toward us, and for his great loving kindness. We have an intimacy and fellowship with Jesus as never before, along with a strong faith that “it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me.” (Gal. 2:20)
Since returning home we have spent most of our time studying what the Word of God says about healing. We have approached this with an open mind and a conscious desire to be led in all understanding by the Spirit of Truth. (John 14:16-17, 26) Here are some of the things we have learned:
“It is not the healing, it is not the blessing, and it is not even the sanctification. It is not an ‘it’, but something much better. It is ‘Christ’; it is Himself.” (A. B. Simpson)
Like many Christians today, I formerly believed that God still heals people on special occasions, but I doubted that He would heal me. In order to heal my cancer, Jesus had to break through my theology about what the Bible says about Divine Healing. He also had to overcome my doubts and unbelief by giving me His own faith to receive His provision for health.
Ann and I believe that every blessing we have received from God is a sacred trust to be used for Jesus. Jesus said that our salvation is not our own. It belongs to every perishing soul on the face of the globe who has not yet had the opportunity to receive Jesus. (John 17:18, 20:21-23) Likewise, my healing is not my own to use for self-centered pursuits, but belongs to sick and suffering Christians who have not yet discovered the Truth and Provision in God’s Word for Divine Healing.
Therefore, one of the commitments I have made to the Lord in regard to my own healing is to use this Truth, and my experience of it, for the good of others, as Jesus leads me and opens up doors of opportunity.
The initial step was to prepare a summary of what the Bible says about healing, but my attempts at this were inadequate. God provided, however, by letting us discover a wonderful summary of Divine Healing that was written in 1883 by A. B. Simpson, a leader in the revival that was sweeping across American at the time. He was also instrumental in the modern missionary movement that began in that era. Simpson had himself been healed from a chronic heart condition just a few years before writing the summary, in a way very reminiscent of my experience.
Another commitment Ann and I have made is to put aside our plans for retirement in order to continue in ministry. Join with us, if you wish, in praying for revival across American - prayers that challenge our trust in religious traditions and programs, prayers that restore living faith in the promises and provisions of Christ, and prayers that believe the Church will do the “even greater things” of Jesus as declared in John 14:12-14.
For the benefit of those who are sick, or who have sick loved ones and friends, I have attached the summary entitled What the Bible Says About Healing, along with links to additional trustworthy information. This material is NOT like that of some “faith healers” you see on T.V., where the focus is on the “healer”, human effort in believing, and un-Biblical principles and practices.
Finally, we want you to know that we faithfully prayed for the many prayer requests that were given to us by you - our prayer team. We are aware of some answers from God and we would like to know of others. We will continue to pray as you provide updates or additional requests. This became a joyful ministry for us (and to us also) that we would love to continue.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 2
Ann and I love you dearly,
P.S. Call or email if you would like to talk. We are certainly not experts, but Jesus has brought us a long way in the last few months. (770) 928-2668
Dear family and friends,
Ann and I want to tell you once more how much your prayers and encouragements blessed us during my struggle with cancer. It is because of your powerful praying that Jesus did far more than we had hoped. He supernaturally accomplished what the best of modern medicine could not do - cure my cancer and heal my prostate.
We have been back home for 4 weeks now, and continue to rejoice in the Lord over his mercy toward us, and for his great loving kindness. We have an intimacy and fellowship with Jesus as never before, along with a strong faith that “it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me.” (Gal. 2:20)
Since returning home we have spent most of our time studying what the Word of God says about healing. We have approached this with an open mind and a conscious desire to be led in all understanding by the Spirit of Truth. (John 14:16-17, 26) Here are some of the things we have learned:
“It is not the healing, it is not the blessing, and it is not even the sanctification. It is not an ‘it’, but something much better. It is ‘Christ’; it is Himself.” (A. B. Simpson)
Like many Christians today, I formerly believed that God still heals people on special occasions, but I doubted that He would heal me. In order to heal my cancer, Jesus had to break through my theology about what the Bible says about Divine Healing. He also had to overcome my doubts and unbelief by giving me His own faith to receive His provision for health.
Ann and I believe that every blessing we have received from God is a sacred trust to be used for Jesus. Jesus said that our salvation is not our own. It belongs to every perishing soul on the face of the globe who has not yet had the opportunity to receive Jesus. (John 17:18, 20:21-23) Likewise, my healing is not my own to use for self-centered pursuits, but belongs to sick and suffering Christians who have not yet discovered the Truth and Provision in God’s Word for Divine Healing.
Therefore, one of the commitments I have made to the Lord in regard to my own healing is to use this Truth, and my experience of it, for the good of others, as Jesus leads me and opens up doors of opportunity.
The initial step was to prepare a summary of what the Bible says about healing, but my attempts at this were inadequate. God provided, however, by letting us discover a wonderful summary of Divine Healing that was written in 1883 by A. B. Simpson, a leader in the revival that was sweeping across American at the time. He was also instrumental in the modern missionary movement that began in that era. Simpson had himself been healed from a chronic heart condition just a few years before writing the summary, in a way very reminiscent of my experience.
Another commitment Ann and I have made is to put aside our plans for retirement in order to continue in ministry. Join with us, if you wish, in praying for revival across American - prayers that challenge our trust in religious traditions and programs, prayers that restore living faith in the promises and provisions of Christ, and prayers that believe the Church will do the “even greater things” of Jesus as declared in John 14:12-14.
For the benefit of those who are sick, or who have sick loved ones and friends, I have attached the summary entitled What the Bible Says About Healing, along with links to additional trustworthy information. This material is NOT like that of some “faith healers” you see on T.V., where the focus is on the “healer”, human effort in believing, and un-Biblical principles and practices.
Finally, we want you to know that we faithfully prayed for the many prayer requests that were given to us by you - our prayer team. We are aware of some answers from God and we would like to know of others. We will continue to pray as you provide updates or additional requests. This became a joyful ministry for us (and to us also) that we would love to continue.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 2
Ann and I love you dearly,
P.S. Call or email if you would like to talk. We are certainly not experts, but Jesus has brought us a long way in the last few months. (770) 928-2668
Sunday, July 13, 2008
HIM Leader Report
HIM Leader in Revival:
Just to remind you all that we are heading to Phayamengrai District, Chiang Rai for church revival. There will be 3 churches gathering for revival on Sunday and Monday July 13-14-08
We should be returned to base on Tuesday.
Secondly, we have received an invitation for preaching and teaching in church camping in Maehongsong Province on July 26 thr 28-08, there will be several churches gathering in the camp. We will be leaving Pua on July 23 for sharing the Good News there before camping. Please pray for us and the people we goung to serve.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Just to remind you all that we are heading to Phayamengrai District, Chiang Rai for church revival. There will be 3 churches gathering for revival on Sunday and Monday July 13-14-08
We should be returned to base on Tuesday.
Secondly, we have received an invitation for preaching and teaching in church camping in Maehongsong Province on July 26 thr 28-08, there will be several churches gathering in the camp. We will be leaving Pua on July 23 for sharing the Good News there before camping. Please pray for us and the people we goung to serve.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
HIM Leader Report: Xeng and Bangyat's May 2008 Report
HIM Leader Report:Xeng and Bangyat Report for May
Dear Fran,
The enclosed reports are from Banyat and Xeng:
From Banyat, Nan Province
1. Bible studies, praise and pray with Lua group on Sunday
2. Bible studies, praise and pray in his village and Ban Huai Li
3. Visited patients in Nan hospital and pray for them
4. Preached the gospel in Ban Nam Tuang church
5. Coordinated with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
6. Preached the gospel in Ban Pam church group
Conclusion: Lack of evangelistic activity during this month, hopely he needs to improve responsibility
From Xeng Lor HuaiKhu, Chiang Rai
1. He brought 1 family of 3 people into saving faith in Jesus Christ
2. Proclaimed the gospel of Jeus Christ to 76 people ( in 4 villages)
3. Preached the gospel in Huai Khu church
4. Visited members who were sick and prayed for them
5. Coordinated with local church leaders
6. Provided counselling for family problem and depression
Conclusion: Xeng has improved his responsibility. I believed that God touched many lives through him
Summary of Hmong ministry is still progressing. Without HIM support many Hmong won't be able hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and many believers won't be able get Spritual growth help
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Dear Fran,
The enclosed reports are from Banyat and Xeng:
From Banyat, Nan Province
1. Bible studies, praise and pray with Lua group on Sunday
2. Bible studies, praise and pray in his village and Ban Huai Li
3. Visited patients in Nan hospital and pray for them
4. Preached the gospel in Ban Nam Tuang church
5. Coordinated with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
6. Preached the gospel in Ban Pam church group
Conclusion: Lack of evangelistic activity during this month, hopely he needs to improve responsibility
From Xeng Lor HuaiKhu, Chiang Rai
1. He brought 1 family of 3 people into saving faith in Jesus Christ
2. Proclaimed the gospel of Jeus Christ to 76 people ( in 4 villages)
3. Preached the gospel in Huai Khu church
4. Visited members who were sick and prayed for them
5. Coordinated with local church leaders
6. Provided counselling for family problem and depression
Conclusion: Xeng has improved his responsibility. I believed that God touched many lives through him
Summary of Hmong ministry is still progressing. Without HIM support many Hmong won't be able hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and many believers won't be able get Spritual growth help
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Thursday, June 5, 2008
HIM Leader May Report
HIM Leader May Report:
The enclosed report is our job performance during May-08 which we are successfully done as the following detail:
1. We have brought 5 people into saving in Jesus Christ and baptized 5 members
2. Church revival in Ban Thong Na Noi, Chiang Rai
3. Preached the gospel for 4 Hmong church groups
4. Bible studies for Cell group and follow up prospects in 6 villages
5. Performed Funeral home for church member in Ban Pam Kae, Nan
6. Bible studies and and teach Hmong literacy class in 1 dorm
7. Coordinated closely with Hmong church groups throughout Northern Thai
8. Maintaining relationship with believer groups from Laos on border
The enclosed report is our job performance during May-08 which we are successfully done as the following detail:
1. We have brought 5 people into saving in Jesus Christ and baptized 5 members
2. Church revival in Ban Thong Na Noi, Chiang Rai
3. Preached the gospel for 4 Hmong church groups
4. Bible studies for Cell group and follow up prospects in 6 villages
5. Performed Funeral home for church member in Ban Pam Kae, Nan
6. Bible studies and and teach Hmong literacy class in 1 dorm
7. Coordinated closely with Hmong church groups throughout Northern Thai
8. Maintaining relationship with believer groups from Laos on border
HIM Leader Report-Return to Phucheefa

HIM Leader Report on Phucheefa:
Dear Fran and to all,
To keep you all up dated on our mission trip to Phuacheefa, Chiang Rai Provice last weekend:
I preached the gospel at Hmong church there and provided parenting guidance training session for ladies, brotherhood. We had a very successful mission project there. Beside the church project acitivities, I had a chance for sharing the gospel to many Hmong people. God touched many people hearts and more people were interested in the gospe. We have plans to go back for follow up with those prospects sometime in the near future. We also led one prospect into saving faith in Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Kua owns a store there. We have baptized 4 members in a dirty river and more members are waiting for baptism next time. God touched many people lives and saved many people souls through your support. Without your support many Hmong people won't be able to hear the gospel and get saved. I am assured that God blessed Hmong International Ministries.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM Leader Report-Revival Meetings

HIM Leader Report on Revival Meetings in Chiang Rai Province:
Dear Fran and to all,
I am pleased to keep you all up dated on church revival in Ban Thong Na Noi, Chiang Rai last weekend. I preached on Sunday morning and started on leadership skills training session for lady group, brootherhood and youth. This is the very first time they received training.
I had a great opportunity for sharing the True Living God and testimony to unbelievers in the village. Many people were interested in the True Living God. We will return to follow up those prospects in the near future.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
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