Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hmong College Student Receives Christ

Report from NTIM, Chiang Rai: Michael Johnson

Dear John and Fran,

Hope this email finds you guys doing well. We are just in awe of how God is at work among the many peoples that live in and around Chiang Rai. God is at work among the Khon Muang UPG or more widely known as the Northern Thai UPG, among the Chinese, among the Karen, among the Lahu, etc but God is also at work among the Hmong as well in a special way.

Last year we had the privilege of playing a part in leading a young man to Christ named Jae. He is now a 3rd year student at Rachabhat. I met with him every week for discipleship for several months and baptized him last year in October. He is from Huay Khun village that we will be going to celebrate Christmas with on Monday. Jae will be going with us as well. He has become active in our church and he has been sharing Christ with his friends.

One of those friends is named Chris. He also is from a Hmong UPG and has been coming to Baan Athitaan Church for many months now. Two months ago he gave his heart to Jesus and today we met to talk about him following our Lord Jesus in believer's baptism. YEA!!!! We have scheduled that for Sunday December 21. Chris is from a neigboring village of Huay Khun and Chris is the first person in his family to give his heart to Jesus.

We are all rejoicing over Chris's decision to give his heart to Jesus and in his growing commitment to our Lord Jesus and wanting to be baptized. We know you guys have a special heart for the Hmong and wanted you to know that your prayers are being answered and Baan Athitaan Church is happy to join God is His great redemptive work among all the peoples in and around Northern Thailand including the Hmong UPG!!!!!!!!!!!

Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to Huay Khun village on Monday. We have heard that we will have about 200 folks that will join us for the Christmas celebration!!!!!!!! Today we transfered about 5,000 baht to Sa's parents to help us provide meals for about 200 folks and are preparing for a great time together. Please pray for me as I share about Christmas in Thai and also prayf or Sa as he translates from Thai to Hmong.

Needing your prayers and your support!!!!

Your Servants to Northern Thailand for Jesus Sake,

Michael for all
Pastor, Baan Athitaan Church
VP, Northern Thailand Impact Ministry

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