Wednesday, December 3, 2008

HIM Leader November Report

HIM Leader report for November 2008:

To report to you all regarding Hmong Ministry of Northren Thailand during November-08 as the follows:

1. We have conducted a church revival in Ban Thai Charueng, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai Province. I preached significant Spiritual grow, taught Obedience and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many members rededicated their lives to the Lord.

2. Baptized a member in Mekong River and more members need to be baptize soon. This church has not had a servant for 3 years. They need a shepherd.

3. Taught Hmong literacy class for adult at Paklang Hmong Church.

4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy, English classes in two dorms.

5. Bible studies, praise, pray and lead fellowship services in 5 Cell groups.

6. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong animistic people from Lao on Thai border and prayed for.

7. Celebrated 25th anniversary of The Bible League Thailand in Chiang Mai.

8. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand

Conclusion: Hmong Ministries International Ministries (HIM) has touched the lives of many aninmistic people and made significant Spiritual growth available for assisting believer groups throughout Northern Thai. Without HIM signaficant Spiritual growth programs, many Hmong church groups will be isolated and many Hmong animistic from Lao across Thai border won't be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us and the people we are ministering to.

We will be busy in December due to the Christmas season and Hmong New Year celebration.

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

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