Sunday, October 12, 2008

HIM Leader September 2008

This is HIM Leader's September 2008 Monthly Report:

This is to report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thailand during September-08 as the following:

1. Bought 3 people into saving faith in Jesus in Ban Nong Hoi Mai, Chiang Mai Province

2. Church staff training and revival in Ban Khoone Sathang, Nan Province

3. Bible studies, praise and prayer with 5 church groups

4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy and English classes in two dorms

5. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand

6. Visitation Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border and
held Bible studies, praise, and prayed with them

7. Met with Immigration and US Consulate General, Chiang Mai

8. Visitation of patients at Pua Hospital and prayed for them

Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progress, God touched many hearts and God saved 3 people, provided church revivals and Church staff training for church groups. Please pray for us and the people we are mimnistering to

In Christ,

HIM Leader, Frontline servant

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