Hmong International Ministries, Inc. will use new URL starting today for 2009. All new postings for the remainder of 2008 will be on new URL.
There will be Links to 2008, 2007, HIMPIX, and others.
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas at Huai Kook Near Lao Border
Please pray for Him Leader as they travel to Huai Kook
Dear Fran and all,
This is to remind you that we will travel to Huai Kook, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai, 5 Km from Lao border. It is a primitive village which I have mentioned before.
We will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and celebrate Christmas with believers on 12-17-08. Please pray for us and the people in the village that God might touch many people's hearts and many will be saved.
It takes 5 hrs to get there. We will depart early tomorrow morning and we will report back to you when we return.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Dear Fran and all,
This is to remind you that we will travel to Huai Kook, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai, 5 Km from Lao border. It is a primitive village which I have mentioned before.
We will share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and celebrate Christmas with believers on 12-17-08. Please pray for us and the people in the village that God might touch many people's hearts and many will be saved.
It takes 5 hrs to get there. We will depart early tomorrow morning and we will report back to you when we return.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Sunday, December 14, 2008
HIM Leader Report on Lao Border Ministry
HIM Leader reporting on Border Ministry:
Border Ministry: We met 40 Hmong from Laos on the border, sharing the Gospel and presenting salvation to them. God touched several people's hearts. Four people made professions of faith in Jesus Christ this Sunday and many others are interested in the Gospel.
Two leaders from two villages came asking many questions in regard to Jesus Christ. I answered questions, clarifying that Jesus is the True Living God, He is the Saviour of the whole world, we can trust and believe in Him. Hmong are being held in bondage by the devil and our ancestors for a long period of time.
The two leaders told me they were tired of worshipping the spirits and ancestors. They want to know the truth and are ready to change their beliefs. The only thing they worry about is persecution from local authorities. I recommended they go to Vientiane to get permission from the Government Department of Religion to establish a church group in their village. The Lao constitution allows people to have free choice of religion. As soon as they have permission from the government official, they should be free to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in their village.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
HIM Leader Report-Christmas at Huai Li
Saturday, December 13, 2008
30 Years in Thailand (Since 1978)-Gene and Mary Long
Gene and Mary Long have served among the Yellow Leaf since finishing Thai language school. Shirley and I met them in Chiang Mai in 2005. It has been our honor to know them and have them as our friends. Below are before and after pictures.

Gene and Mary Long: It seems like it was only yesterday that we said our goodbyes and came to Thailand for the first time. Actually, the world has turned over many times since November 30, 1978 – the day we first landed in Bangkok, thirty years ago. Wow! Thirty years! It almost calls for a celebration, but there is too much work left to do for that. . . .
Thirty years ago. We're talking about last century, last millennium, pre- 9/11. Not that it was an ideal world back then: In America, Elvis Presley had just died, but Jimmy Carter was still president. In Thailand, no American fast food was available anywhere, kind of the sine qua non of a "real" mission field in those days. Nowadays, we measure that by access to the world wide web, a standard that pretty much keeps us on a "real" mission field here, but one by which my father-in-law in rural Iowa is also on one!
We arrived in Bangkok with two-year-old Allen in tow. Jared was seven months along in his gestation, and (you will not believe this) we still didn't know if he was going to be "Jared" or "Diana." Crystal came along later, in 1983, filling our quiver. And keeping our bank account empty!
We studied the Thai language in Bangkok for nine months, learning such useful phrases as "An elephant is bigger than a dog." Next, we moved north and learned the dialect of the Thai language spoken in this part of the country. Eventually, we found the Yellow Leaf people and began to work on winning their trust, learning their language and understanding their way of thinking. Telling them that an elephant is bigger than a dog didn't do much to impress them, but you have to start somewhere. So, we started.
There are lots of details between then and now, of course, but the rest of the story is that the story isn't finished yet. Progress has been slow, but the pace has been furious. It's like a marathon being run as a full sprint. We couldn't have made it this far alone! The Lord has sustained us through the prayers, gifts, love, encouragement and friendship of His people. We've found solace and motivation in His Word, even in the darkest times.
Lord willing, and by His grace, we're going to keep running "with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12.1-2). It's going to be interesting to see what the next thirty years is going to bring!
Love and prayers,
Gene and Mary Long

Gene and Mary Long: It seems like it was only yesterday that we said our goodbyes and came to Thailand for the first time. Actually, the world has turned over many times since November 30, 1978 – the day we first landed in Bangkok, thirty years ago. Wow! Thirty years! It almost calls for a celebration, but there is too much work left to do for that. . . .
Thirty years ago. We're talking about last century, last millennium, pre- 9/11. Not that it was an ideal world back then: In America, Elvis Presley had just died, but Jimmy Carter was still president. In Thailand, no American fast food was available anywhere, kind of the sine qua non of a "real" mission field in those days. Nowadays, we measure that by access to the world wide web, a standard that pretty much keeps us on a "real" mission field here, but one by which my father-in-law in rural Iowa is also on one!
We arrived in Bangkok with two-year-old Allen in tow. Jared was seven months along in his gestation, and (you will not believe this) we still didn't know if he was going to be "Jared" or "Diana." Crystal came along later, in 1983, filling our quiver. And keeping our bank account empty!
We studied the Thai language in Bangkok for nine months, learning such useful phrases as "An elephant is bigger than a dog." Next, we moved north and learned the dialect of the Thai language spoken in this part of the country. Eventually, we found the Yellow Leaf people and began to work on winning their trust, learning their language and understanding their way of thinking. Telling them that an elephant is bigger than a dog didn't do much to impress them, but you have to start somewhere. So, we started.
There are lots of details between then and now, of course, but the rest of the story is that the story isn't finished yet. Progress has been slow, but the pace has been furious. It's like a marathon being run as a full sprint. We couldn't have made it this far alone! The Lord has sustained us through the prayers, gifts, love, encouragement and friendship of His people. We've found solace and motivation in His Word, even in the darkest times.
Lord willing, and by His grace, we're going to keep running "with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12.1-2). It's going to be interesting to see what the next thirty years is going to bring!
Love and prayers,
Gene and Mary Long
Harvest Is Plentiful-Workers Are Few

HIM Leader ask for our Prayers:
Matthew 9:36-38 (New International Version)
36-When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37-Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38-Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Hmong Leader and his wife encounter many Hmong each week who have been searching for The One True Living God. All their lives they have not found comport in the worship of ancestors and the spirit world.
After hearing the Gospel presented by HIM Leader, village leaders and shaman realize they have been mislead by my their ancestors. They want their families and village to hear the Good News of The One True Living God. They want HIM Leader to return again and again. But there is always another primtive village over the next mountian who has heard about a messenger who has wonderful news for them. And HIM Leader must answer the Call.
God is truly touching hearts among Hmong in Northern Thailand and on the Lao border. Please ask the Lord of the harvest for more workers.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thanks to Dr. Larry Flegle and TMQ - Tires for HIM Leader's Truck
We thank Dr. Larry Flegle and TMQ for donating $400 for new tires for HIM Leader's truck. Travel is rough in the mountians of Thailand among the Hmong remote villages.
God Bless you Larry!!!
God Bless you Larry!!!
Hmong College Student Receives Christ
Report from NTIM, Chiang Rai: Michael Johnson
Dear John and Fran,
Hope this email finds you guys doing well. We are just in awe of how God is at work among the many peoples that live in and around Chiang Rai. God is at work among the Khon Muang UPG or more widely known as the Northern Thai UPG, among the Chinese, among the Karen, among the Lahu, etc but God is also at work among the Hmong as well in a special way.
Last year we had the privilege of playing a part in leading a young man to Christ named Jae. He is now a 3rd year student at Rachabhat. I met with him every week for discipleship for several months and baptized him last year in October. He is from Huay Khun village that we will be going to celebrate Christmas with on Monday. Jae will be going with us as well. He has become active in our church and he has been sharing Christ with his friends.
One of those friends is named Chris. He also is from a Hmong UPG and has been coming to Baan Athitaan Church for many months now. Two months ago he gave his heart to Jesus and today we met to talk about him following our Lord Jesus in believer's baptism. YEA!!!! We have scheduled that for Sunday December 21. Chris is from a neigboring village of Huay Khun and Chris is the first person in his family to give his heart to Jesus.
We are all rejoicing over Chris's decision to give his heart to Jesus and in his growing commitment to our Lord Jesus and wanting to be baptized. We know you guys have a special heart for the Hmong and wanted you to know that your prayers are being answered and Baan Athitaan Church is happy to join God is His great redemptive work among all the peoples in and around Northern Thailand including the Hmong UPG!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to Huay Khun village on Monday. We have heard that we will have about 200 folks that will join us for the Christmas celebration!!!!!!!! Today we transfered about 5,000 baht to Sa's parents to help us provide meals for about 200 folks and are preparing for a great time together. Please pray for me as I share about Christmas in Thai and also prayf or Sa as he translates from Thai to Hmong.
Needing your prayers and your support!!!!
Your Servants to Northern Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
Pastor, Baan Athitaan Church
VP, Northern Thailand Impact Ministry
Dear John and Fran,
Hope this email finds you guys doing well. We are just in awe of how God is at work among the many peoples that live in and around Chiang Rai. God is at work among the Khon Muang UPG or more widely known as the Northern Thai UPG, among the Chinese, among the Karen, among the Lahu, etc but God is also at work among the Hmong as well in a special way.
Last year we had the privilege of playing a part in leading a young man to Christ named Jae. He is now a 3rd year student at Rachabhat. I met with him every week for discipleship for several months and baptized him last year in October. He is from Huay Khun village that we will be going to celebrate Christmas with on Monday. Jae will be going with us as well. He has become active in our church and he has been sharing Christ with his friends.
One of those friends is named Chris. He also is from a Hmong UPG and has been coming to Baan Athitaan Church for many months now. Two months ago he gave his heart to Jesus and today we met to talk about him following our Lord Jesus in believer's baptism. YEA!!!! We have scheduled that for Sunday December 21. Chris is from a neigboring village of Huay Khun and Chris is the first person in his family to give his heart to Jesus.
We are all rejoicing over Chris's decision to give his heart to Jesus and in his growing commitment to our Lord Jesus and wanting to be baptized. We know you guys have a special heart for the Hmong and wanted you to know that your prayers are being answered and Baan Athitaan Church is happy to join God is His great redemptive work among all the peoples in and around Northern Thailand including the Hmong UPG!!!!!!!!!!!
Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to Huay Khun village on Monday. We have heard that we will have about 200 folks that will join us for the Christmas celebration!!!!!!!! Today we transfered about 5,000 baht to Sa's parents to help us provide meals for about 200 folks and are preparing for a great time together. Please pray for me as I share about Christmas in Thai and also prayf or Sa as he translates from Thai to Hmong.
Needing your prayers and your support!!!!
Your Servants to Northern Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
Pastor, Baan Athitaan Church
VP, Northern Thailand Impact Ministry
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
HIM Leader Report-Xeng Lor November Report
Report from HIM Leader: Xeng Lor monthly report:
To report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Chiang Rai Province during November-08 as the following:
1. Xeng preached, taught Sunday School classes for adult and children
2. Visitation of church members who were sick and prayed for them. Due to winter season a lot of members were sick
3. Proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared testimony to 60 people. Held Bible studies with 2 believer groups
4. Prayed for Thai government political crisis and that God would send more workers for harvesting.
5. Preparing church for Christmas program to be held by NTIM on Dec. 15
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
HIM Leader Report From Lao Border
Lao border report: See Pictures Below
Dear Fran and all,
Just to report to you in regard to Border Ministry last weekend.
We met several Hmong from Laos on border, Huai Khorne, Nan. The group was interested in the True Living God. Please pray for them that God will encounter their lives and bring them to know Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

Dear Fran and all,
Just to report to you in regard to Border Ministry last weekend.
We met several Hmong from Laos on border, Huai Khorne, Nan. The group was interested in the True Living God. Please pray for them that God will encounter their lives and bring them to know Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
HIM Leader November Report
HIM Leader report for November 2008:
To report to you all regarding Hmong Ministry of Northren Thailand during November-08 as the follows:
1. We have conducted a church revival in Ban Thai Charueng, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai Province. I preached significant Spiritual grow, taught Obedience and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many members rededicated their lives to the Lord.
2. Baptized a member in Mekong River and more members need to be baptize soon. This church has not had a servant for 3 years. They need a shepherd.
3. Taught Hmong literacy class for adult at Paklang Hmong Church.
4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy, English classes in two dorms.
5. Bible studies, praise, pray and lead fellowship services in 5 Cell groups.
6. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong animistic people from Lao on Thai border and prayed for.
7. Celebrated 25th anniversary of The Bible League Thailand in Chiang Mai.
8. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Hmong Ministries International Ministries (HIM) has touched the lives of many aninmistic people and made significant Spiritual growth available for assisting believer groups throughout Northern Thai. Without HIM signaficant Spiritual growth programs, many Hmong church groups will be isolated and many Hmong animistic from Lao across Thai border won't be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us and the people we are ministering to.
We will be busy in December due to the Christmas season and Hmong New Year celebration.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
To report to you all regarding Hmong Ministry of Northren Thailand during November-08 as the follows:
1. We have conducted a church revival in Ban Thai Charueng, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai Province. I preached significant Spiritual grow, taught Obedience and the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many members rededicated their lives to the Lord.
2. Baptized a member in Mekong River and more members need to be baptize soon. This church has not had a servant for 3 years. They need a shepherd.
3. Taught Hmong literacy class for adult at Paklang Hmong Church.
4. Bible studies, taught Hmong literacy, English classes in two dorms.
5. Bible studies, praise, pray and lead fellowship services in 5 Cell groups.
6. Shared the gospel of Jesus Christ to Hmong animistic people from Lao on Thai border and prayed for.
7. Celebrated 25th anniversary of The Bible League Thailand in Chiang Mai.
8. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thailand
Conclusion: Hmong Ministries International Ministries (HIM) has touched the lives of many aninmistic people and made significant Spiritual growth available for assisting believer groups throughout Northern Thai. Without HIM signaficant Spiritual growth programs, many Hmong church groups will be isolated and many Hmong animistic from Lao across Thai border won't be able to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please pray for us and the people we are ministering to.
We will be busy in December due to the Christmas season and Hmong New Year celebration.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Monday, December 1, 2008
HIM Leader Report From Lao Border
HIM Leader's Report From Primitive Village on Lao Border in the Pucheefa Area-See Pictures Below:
To report you from the mission field on Thai-Laos border in Phucheefa area, Chiang Rai Province.
We went to Ban Laotakhao ( Phucheefa) for Bible studies with Cell groups and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a group of Hmong from Laos on the border. God touched some animistic Hmong there today. Hopely we can meet with them next month.
The Hmong from Laos are very poor. They sell natural products at a border trade market, see the attached photo.
Some of the Hmong villages at the border still live a primitive way of life. Please pray for them.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant

To report you from the mission field on Thai-Laos border in Phucheefa area, Chiang Rai Province.
We went to Ban Laotakhao ( Phucheefa) for Bible studies with Cell groups and shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a group of Hmong from Laos on the border. God touched some animistic Hmong there today. Hopely we can meet with them next month.
The Hmong from Laos are very poor. They sell natural products at a border trade market, see the attached photo.
Some of the Hmong villages at the border still live a primitive way of life. Please pray for them.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
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