Monday, March 3, 2008

HIM Leader Report: Xeng and Bangyat's Feb. Report

Monthly Report from Xeng Lor and Bangyat Her-Sent by HIM Leader

Dear Fran

Just to report you regard to Banyat and Xeng's activities during February-08 as the following

From Xeng Lor:

1. He brought a family of 6 people into saving faith in Jesus Christ
2. He shared the Gospel and testimonies to 41 people ( 4 village)
3. Preaching and leading worship services in his church
4. Visitation to members who were sick and prayed for them
5. Follow up prospects and have Bible studies and pray for them in villages
6. Maintain relationship with key persons on villages

Conclusion: Hmong Ministry is progressing. God touched many people's hearts and saved many people through Hmong International Ministries. Please pray for Xeng and his family and the people of Chiang Rai province.

From Banyat:

1. He brought 1 people into saving faith in Jesus Christ in Ban Nam Tuang last week
2. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in 4 villages
3. Follow up prospects and have Bible studies and pray for them
4. Sharing the Gospel to 10 Lua people on "Hill"
5. Coffee Ministry in his village and still coordinated closely with NTBC

Conclusion: Hmong Ministry is still progressing. Without your support many Hmong and Lua believers will be isolated. They needed Bible training for significant Spiritual grow.

In Christ

From Banyat Her and Xeng Lor

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