Please pray for the Huai Khu Baptist Church
Huai Khu Baptist Church has an opportunity to purchase property and two buildings (church building and house) from Huai Khu CMA Church for about $3500.
The church building is a brick structure, has a concrete floor and will accommodate 100 people. There is also a house, water system, and a playground area. The property is only 200 meters from the current location. This is a wonderful opportunity, but they don't have $3500.
The current building of the Huai Khu Baptist Church has been very badly damaged by termites. It is made from bamboo, evidently a favorite food of Thai termites. It has a dirt floor.
One of the pictures above is of the current property before the bamboo building was built. Pictured are Xeng Lor, Pastor; his wife Xai; and Shirley and me.
Xeng and Xai harvested the bamboo for the current building from the forest and stripped it. This was no minor task. In one of the pictures from inside the church, you can see that stripping the bamboo was an awful job.
The building was then built with the help of members and they were able to buy enough metal for a roof.
Xeng and Xai are wonderful Christians and have dedicated their lives to Jesus. Xeng works with several other villages teaching the Bible, Conducting Discipleship Development Classes, Teaching Hmong Literacy, visiting the sick in the villages and visiting Hmong in the Chiang Rai jail.
He does all his traveling through Chiang Rai Province on a motor bike which Salem Baptist Church, Mc Donough, GA bought a few years ago. The bike is now in need of some major repairs. Before he got the bike, Xai and Xeng would walk over 20 kilometers (steep mountain roads and paths) to tell people about Jesus. Also, you will see a picture of the family.
Shirley and I first came to Huai Khu in 2000 with a medical team from First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA, directed by Dr. John Gibson. We had four Hmong on the team from GA and after just two days in this village more than 20 people were baptized.
We have returned to Huai Khu many times and have seen first hand the work that God is doing through HIM Leader and the Lor's. Scores of people have been baptized since our first visit. The church is growing and God has used Xeng and Xai to be His faithful leaders.
Please pray for the Lor's and Huai Khu Baptist Church!
If you would like to help Huai Khu Baptist Church buy this property,
please send your donation to: Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Road, Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013
Hmong International Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President