Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What Did These Children Do?
The children of Hmong Christian Community UMC in Milwaukee, WI really WOW ed us!!!
These children worked very hard during 2008 to raise money for missions by performing a concert and selling Hmong noodles.
The Children's Ministry Team allocated $701 to HIM for Hmong Leadership Training in Southeast Asia and two small Hmong Children Dorms in Nan and Lampang Provinces.
The Leadership Training in remote villages and on the Lao border is a very large part of HIM's ministry. This donation will help greatly in the Coffee Ministry in these villages. HIM Leader sets up meetings with various leaders in a village: mayor, shaman, religious leaders, etc. The results from these meetings has opened up great opportunities for spreading the Gospel.
These dorms, Heavenly Gift and Camp Joy, will really benefit from this donation.
In all our years serving in Thailand, seldom have we been so overwhelmed by such a act of love as we see through these children.
Thank you Mai, Stacy, and Pastor Toua for your leadership. Thanks to the church for supporting their wonderful children.
Hmong Christian Community Methodist Church:
The Association of Hmong UMC:
Praise God for children!
These children worked very hard during 2008 to raise money for missions by performing a concert and selling Hmong noodles.
The Children's Ministry Team allocated $701 to HIM for Hmong Leadership Training in Southeast Asia and two small Hmong Children Dorms in Nan and Lampang Provinces.
The Leadership Training in remote villages and on the Lao border is a very large part of HIM's ministry. This donation will help greatly in the Coffee Ministry in these villages. HIM Leader sets up meetings with various leaders in a village: mayor, shaman, religious leaders, etc. The results from these meetings has opened up great opportunities for spreading the Gospel.
These dorms, Heavenly Gift and Camp Joy, will really benefit from this donation.
In all our years serving in Thailand, seldom have we been so overwhelmed by such a act of love as we see through these children.
Thank you Mai, Stacy, and Pastor Toua for your leadership. Thanks to the church for supporting their wonderful children.
Hmong Christian Community Methodist Church:
The Association of Hmong UMC:
Praise God for children!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
HIM Leader Reports on The Bible League of Thailand-25 years of Serving Christ in Thailand
Sunday, November 16, 2008
HIM Leader Report from Chiang Rai Province
Report from HIM Leader:
This is to keep you all up dated on church revival in Ban Thai Careung, Vienkaen District, Chiang Rai. Many believers had a signaficant Spiritual revival encounter in their lives.
This church building is nice but the Spiritual faith is almost isolated. They haven't had a Spiritual revival for years, sheep without sheepherder, facing tough times, demonic temptation, sickness, family problems and so on. Without Hmong International Ministries many souls will be isolated.
This is first time I have baptized a believer in Mekong River, just half mile from the church.
The church members need Spiritual nurturing. They have been asking for a pastor to stay with them. Members have rededicated their lives to the Lord and begun to have Spiritual growth again.
Secondly, we went to another primative village in Phucheefa where they have just began to build a church there. The Coffee Ministry in Ban Huai Tiew has been canceled due to a funeral in the village and will be rescheduled.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Friday, November 7, 2008
Phucheefa Area-Pray for HIM Leader
HIM Leader in Phucheefa Area:
Just to remind you all that we have scheduled church revivals in Ban Thai Chareung and Ban Fikuke, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai (Phucheefa area) 3 miles from Thai border. Your prayer support will resist the evil spirits as they flee from animistic people and will draw believers closer to God.
We will be preaching and teaching Significant Spiritual Growth and sharing the Gospel on Nov 11-12. We will have a Coffee Ministry for religious and village leaders in Ban Huai Tiew on Nov 13-08. I pray that God will encounter those leaders lives and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ and knowing the true Living God.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Just to remind you all that we have scheduled church revivals in Ban Thai Chareung and Ban Fikuke, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai (Phucheefa area) 3 miles from Thai border. Your prayer support will resist the evil spirits as they flee from animistic people and will draw believers closer to God.
We will be preaching and teaching Significant Spiritual Growth and sharing the Gospel on Nov 11-12. We will have a Coffee Ministry for religious and village leaders in Ban Huai Tiew on Nov 13-08. I pray that God will encounter those leaders lives and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ and knowing the true Living God.
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
News from NTIM-Chiang Rai
Michael and Hope Johnson serve God in Northern Thailand through Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM)- Two Hmong students at a local university are members of their church in Chiang Rai. These students are from HIM Home Missionary's village/church in Huai Khu Village. Pray for NTIM as they minister to this village of Hmong friends. Below is their recent news letter.
It is Friday November 7 ........but December 20 will be here soon. What is the big deal about December 20? It is the day that we have chosen to host the single largest evangelistic event we have ever held in Northern Thailand. Last year we had over 800 people attend this event and this year we are asking God for over 1,000 people. It will be a day that multitudes of people from our community and over 25 different unreached people groups will have a chance to hear the message of our Great Savior - some of whom have never ever heard the gospel before.
It is our heart's desire that we see many Thai people , Burmese people, and Chinese people give their hearts to Jesus this season. We live in a part of the world where less than 1 out of every 100 people know Jesus as their personal Savior. We have been in the process of planning 12 key "Christmas evangelism" events that we will be involved in this year. We believe God wants many of these precious people to come to know Jesus this Christmas season...but we need your help to do that. Please consider donating a "Christmas love offering for NTIM" this Christmas season and help us reach all the peoples living in and around Northern Thailand for Jesus. With prayer as our foundation, please join us and ...
YOU CAN PRAY...............
Pray for our decoration party at Baan Athitaan Church on Sunday November 9 at 1:00pm. Jesus used "festivals" as a part of reaching out to the crowds with His message and we want to begin preparing our community for the celebration of our King.
Pray for our two holiday English camps on November 20 and November 21 in the province of Kampaengphet. We will be putting on 2 camps with over 115 children attending each one. These schools are where Bum's parents are teachers and where one of Bum's aunts is a teacher. This will be about an 8 hour drive for us and we will be spending 2 nights with Bum's parents who are not believers yet.
Pray for our Christmas party on November 29 - a Christmas party for the children grades 1-6 that study English at Baan Athitaan Church each Saturday morning.
Pray for us as we pass out shoe boxes from Samaritan's Purse from December 2-4 to some of the poorest and most needy children in our community.
Pray for the Christmas party on December 9 that we want to hold for all the street children that live in Mae Sai along the border of Myanmar and Thailand where we have a ministry called Open Doors that one of our church members - Frank Smith - heads up that ministry outreach.
Pray for Grace Langauge School's Christmas ESL Camp on December 12 -14 at Nataporn Resort - We have not had an event like this in 4 years and are looking forward to Emmanual Baptist Church from Tuscaloosa, AL working with us on this awesome event. Please remember to pray for EBC and our team here as we prepare for this camp.
Pray for our "Christmas Party at Huay Khu village on December 15. Baan Athitaan Church will be helping the church at Huay Khu village celebrate Christmas. This will be a mission trip for us and will be taking a team from Baan Athitaan Church and the team from Emmanual Baptist Church to this Hmong village to share the love of Jesus. We have 2 members of our church who are from this village about 3 hours away.
Pray for our "Christmas Coffee House" on December 19 - a Christmas party for our adult students that study English in the evenings every Tuesday and Thursday at Grace Language School.
Pray that the hearts of the people in our community will be open to the gospel as it is shared on December 20 at Baan Athitaan Church's Christmas celebration, where we had over 800 people last year and many decisions for Jesus.
Pray for hundreds of Thai people from our community as they come and celebrate Christmas with us.
Pray for those from Burma and China who will also come to celebrate Christmas with us this year. (God has given us great inroads to students from China and Burma who are here in Chiang Rai studying at one of the universities.)
Pray for Michael as he shares an evangelistic message during our celebration.
Pray for our church family as we all work together to pull this event off and welcome our community to our church and to our great God.
Pray for the team from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church from Kansas City that will be coming out to help us with this event as well as helping support a newly formed ministry called Child and Family Prison Ministries that several from our church family have recently formed.
Pray for our Christmas caroling in the community on December 23 here in Chiang Rai.
Pray for the Christmas service at Baan Athitaan Church on December 25 from 10:30-1:00. This is a new type of event for us, but one that our Thai family wants to have on Christmas day. We will have a time of worship and observance of the Lord's Supper and then have a "pot luck" type meal afterwards with some games and a time of singing together.
Pray for our church family and our church staff as we plan, organize, and prepare for each of these events and seek to provide opportunities for literally tens of thousands of people in Northern Thailand the chance to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus - many for the first time ever.
YOU CAN GIVE ...............
We are in need of $6,000 to $10,000 to come in by the end of November or begining of December so that we can prepare appropriately for these events. We are wanting to provide good quality evangelistic literature, gifts, great food, and decorations for these various evangelistic events. We are needing some additional support to pull it off with just the right touch. These are not "expenses" these are investments for the Kingdom of God. If the Lord touches your heart to give, please make your check out to Northern Thailand Impact Ministry and mail it to the address at the bottom of this message. It would also be great if you would just send us an email letting us know what is coming.
Many people want to give in a special way at Christmas to a missionary cause or special cause that is really going to mean something to people's lives but don't know where. This may be an opportunity for you to help your family and friends know where their donation can make a difference.
This is a great way to help others become aware of a way they can make a real differnce in the lives of those living on the other side of the world this Christmas.
Your Servants to Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
"..Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spririt, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you, even to the very end of the age." Mathew 28:19-20
Donations can be sent to:
Northern Thailand Impact Ministry, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260.
It is Friday November 7 ........but December 20 will be here soon. What is the big deal about December 20? It is the day that we have chosen to host the single largest evangelistic event we have ever held in Northern Thailand. Last year we had over 800 people attend this event and this year we are asking God for over 1,000 people. It will be a day that multitudes of people from our community and over 25 different unreached people groups will have a chance to hear the message of our Great Savior - some of whom have never ever heard the gospel before.
It is our heart's desire that we see many Thai people , Burmese people, and Chinese people give their hearts to Jesus this season. We live in a part of the world where less than 1 out of every 100 people know Jesus as their personal Savior. We have been in the process of planning 12 key "Christmas evangelism" events that we will be involved in this year. We believe God wants many of these precious people to come to know Jesus this Christmas season...but we need your help to do that. Please consider donating a "Christmas love offering for NTIM" this Christmas season and help us reach all the peoples living in and around Northern Thailand for Jesus. With prayer as our foundation, please join us and ...
YOU CAN PRAY...............
Pray for our decoration party at Baan Athitaan Church on Sunday November 9 at 1:00pm. Jesus used "festivals" as a part of reaching out to the crowds with His message and we want to begin preparing our community for the celebration of our King.
Pray for our two holiday English camps on November 20 and November 21 in the province of Kampaengphet. We will be putting on 2 camps with over 115 children attending each one. These schools are where Bum's parents are teachers and where one of Bum's aunts is a teacher. This will be about an 8 hour drive for us and we will be spending 2 nights with Bum's parents who are not believers yet.
Pray for our Christmas party on November 29 - a Christmas party for the children grades 1-6 that study English at Baan Athitaan Church each Saturday morning.
Pray for us as we pass out shoe boxes from Samaritan's Purse from December 2-4 to some of the poorest and most needy children in our community.
Pray for the Christmas party on December 9 that we want to hold for all the street children that live in Mae Sai along the border of Myanmar and Thailand where we have a ministry called Open Doors that one of our church members - Frank Smith - heads up that ministry outreach.
Pray for Grace Langauge School's Christmas ESL Camp on December 12 -14 at Nataporn Resort - We have not had an event like this in 4 years and are looking forward to Emmanual Baptist Church from Tuscaloosa, AL working with us on this awesome event. Please remember to pray for EBC and our team here as we prepare for this camp.
Pray for our "Christmas Party at Huay Khu village on December 15. Baan Athitaan Church will be helping the church at Huay Khu village celebrate Christmas. This will be a mission trip for us and will be taking a team from Baan Athitaan Church and the team from Emmanual Baptist Church to this Hmong village to share the love of Jesus. We have 2 members of our church who are from this village about 3 hours away.
Pray for our "Christmas Coffee House" on December 19 - a Christmas party for our adult students that study English in the evenings every Tuesday and Thursday at Grace Language School.
Pray that the hearts of the people in our community will be open to the gospel as it is shared on December 20 at Baan Athitaan Church's Christmas celebration, where we had over 800 people last year and many decisions for Jesus.
Pray for hundreds of Thai people from our community as they come and celebrate Christmas with us.
Pray for those from Burma and China who will also come to celebrate Christmas with us this year. (God has given us great inroads to students from China and Burma who are here in Chiang Rai studying at one of the universities.)
Pray for Michael as he shares an evangelistic message during our celebration.
Pray for our church family as we all work together to pull this event off and welcome our community to our church and to our great God.
Pray for the team from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church from Kansas City that will be coming out to help us with this event as well as helping support a newly formed ministry called Child and Family Prison Ministries that several from our church family have recently formed.
Pray for our Christmas caroling in the community on December 23 here in Chiang Rai.
Pray for the Christmas service at Baan Athitaan Church on December 25 from 10:30-1:00. This is a new type of event for us, but one that our Thai family wants to have on Christmas day. We will have a time of worship and observance of the Lord's Supper and then have a "pot luck" type meal afterwards with some games and a time of singing together.
Pray for our church family and our church staff as we plan, organize, and prepare for each of these events and seek to provide opportunities for literally tens of thousands of people in Northern Thailand the chance to hear the gospel of our Lord Jesus - many for the first time ever.
YOU CAN GIVE ...............
We are in need of $6,000 to $10,000 to come in by the end of November or begining of December so that we can prepare appropriately for these events. We are wanting to provide good quality evangelistic literature, gifts, great food, and decorations for these various evangelistic events. We are needing some additional support to pull it off with just the right touch. These are not "expenses" these are investments for the Kingdom of God. If the Lord touches your heart to give, please make your check out to Northern Thailand Impact Ministry and mail it to the address at the bottom of this message. It would also be great if you would just send us an email letting us know what is coming.
Many people want to give in a special way at Christmas to a missionary cause or special cause that is really going to mean something to people's lives but don't know where. This may be an opportunity for you to help your family and friends know where their donation can make a difference.
This is a great way to help others become aware of a way they can make a real differnce in the lives of those living on the other side of the world this Christmas.
Your Servants to Thailand for Jesus Sake,
Michael for all
"..Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spririt, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I will be with you, even to the very end of the age." Mathew 28:19-20
Donations can be sent to:
Northern Thailand Impact Ministry, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
HIM Leader Report on Xeng and Bangyat
HIM Leader Report on Home Missionaries:
To report you in regard Banyat and Xeng's job performances during Oct-08 as the following:
From Banyat, Nan province
1. Bible studies and praise and prayer for Lua Cell group on the farm
2. Bible studies and lead worship service in his village
3. Teaching Hmong literacy class for 5 people
4. Shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 7 people
5. Attended to Northern Thai Baptist Convention annual meeting in Nan City, Nan
6. Preached the Gospel in Nam Tuang Baptist Church
From Xeng Lor, Chiang Rai province
1. Preached, taught Sunday School for adult and children in the church
2. Visitation of members who were sick and pray for them
3. Shared the Gospel and witnessing to 62 animistic people in 4 villages
4. Visited inactive members and pray for them
5. Prayed for servants on mission field and asking God to send more workers for harvesting
6. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
7. Partnership with all Hmong denomination churches
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
To report you in regard Banyat and Xeng's job performances during Oct-08 as the following:
From Banyat, Nan province
1. Bible studies and praise and prayer for Lua Cell group on the farm
2. Bible studies and lead worship service in his village
3. Teaching Hmong literacy class for 5 people
4. Shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to 7 people
5. Attended to Northern Thai Baptist Convention annual meeting in Nan City, Nan
6. Preached the Gospel in Nam Tuang Baptist Church
From Xeng Lor, Chiang Rai province
1. Preached, taught Sunday School for adult and children in the church
2. Visitation of members who were sick and pray for them
3. Shared the Gospel and witnessing to 62 animistic people in 4 villages
4. Visited inactive members and pray for them
5. Prayed for servants on mission field and asking God to send more workers for harvesting
6. Coordinated closely with Northern Thai Baptist Convention
7. Partnership with all Hmong denomination churches
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
Monday, November 3, 2008
HIM Leader October Report
HIM Leader October report:
To report you in regard Hmong ministry of Northern Thai during Oct-08 as the following
1. We have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and 6 people got saved
2. Preached significant Spiritual growth and taught Adolescence for youth. Many youth had rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ during youth camp. There were 301 youth attended to youth camp
3. Conducted church revivals for 2 churches in significant Spiritual growth in Chiang Rai. Many people rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Bible studies and Hmong literacy classes in 2 dorms
5. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in 5 church houses in Nan and Chiang Rai
6. Maintaining relationship with Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border
7. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thai
Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progressive. God touched many Hmong hearts and saved souls through Hmong International Ministires. Beside this, we have provided significant Spiritual growth and parenting quidance for Hmong church groups. Without your support many Hmong won't be able to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
To report you in regard Hmong ministry of Northern Thai during Oct-08 as the following
1. We have shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ to animistic people and 6 people got saved
2. Preached significant Spiritual growth and taught Adolescence for youth. Many youth had rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ during youth camp. There were 301 youth attended to youth camp
3. Conducted church revivals for 2 churches in significant Spiritual growth in Chiang Rai. Many people rededicated lives to the Lord Jesus Christ
4. Bible studies and Hmong literacy classes in 2 dorms
5. Bible studies and lead fellowship services in 5 church houses in Nan and Chiang Rai
6. Maintaining relationship with Hmong believers from Laos across Thai-Laos border
7. Coordinated closely with Hmong church leaders throughout Northern Thai
Summary of work of Hmong ministry is still in progressive. God touched many Hmong hearts and saved souls through Hmong International Ministires. Beside this, we have provided significant Spiritual growth and parenting quidance for Hmong church groups. Without your support many Hmong won't be able to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
HIM Leader Report from Chiang Rai Province
Report from HIM Leader:
Dear Fran ,
The Lord Jesus Christ is working among Hmong animistic people. As I presented salvation plan to several kids in Bam Xaythong, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai last week the kids were afraid of evil spirits and the lake of fire. ( They have experinced and are taught by the family about evil spirits).
The Lord Jesus Christ is working among Hmong animistic people. As I presented salvation plan to several kids in Bam Xaythong, Vienkaeng District, Chiang Rai last week the kids were afraid of evil spirits and the lake of fire. ( They have experinced and are taught by the family about evil spirits).
Nine year old Mang ( 4 th grader) was one of the kids I shared the picture chart. She ran home and brought her father to see me and begging him that she needs Jesus Christ. She wanted to get saved right away. Her father is a shaman. She wanted to make sure that her father knew what happened. She asked permission from her father about accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. The shaman prayed along with his daughter. The whole family will become Christians sometime in the future .
In Christ,
In Christ,
HIM Leader, Frontline Servant
What an awesome God! Hmong in many villages in Chiang Rai Province are coming to Christ.
Please pray for HIM Leader as he serves as a Frontline Servant.
Also, please pray for funds to keep this ministry going forward. Thankfully fuel cost have gone down some. We continue to need funds for revivals, border meetings, meetings with village leaders (Coffee Ministry), materials for Bible studies and Hmong/English literacy classes, Family Life Ministry, and Cell Church materials.
Hmong International Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit faith based non-denomination organization. All donations go directly to the ministry in Thailand.
If you would like to help this ministry among the Hmong in Thailand, please send your donation to: Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Rd., Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013
Thank you for your prayers,
Francis D. Keck
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