The following is Mack Riggs Testimony of God's Healing:
Dear family and friends,
Ann and I want to tell you once more how much your prayers and encouragements blessed us during my struggle with cancer. It is because of your powerful praying that Jesus did far more than we had hoped. He supernaturally accomplished what the best of modern medicine could not do - cure my cancer and heal my prostate.
We have been back home for 4 weeks now, and continue to rejoice in the Lord over his mercy toward us, and for his great loving kindness. We have an intimacy and fellowship with Jesus as never before, along with a strong faith that “it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me.” (Gal. 2:20)
Since returning home we have spent most of our time studying what the Word of God says about healing. We have approached this with an open mind and a conscious desire to be led in all understanding by the Spirit of Truth. (John 14:16-17, 26) Here are some of the things we have learned:
“It is not the healing, it is not the blessing, and it is not even the sanctification. It is not an ‘it’, but something much better. It is ‘Christ’; it is Himself.” (A. B. Simpson)
Like many Christians today, I formerly believed that God still heals people on special occasions, but I doubted that He would heal me. In order to heal my cancer, Jesus had to break through my theology about what the Bible says about Divine Healing. He also had to overcome my doubts and unbelief by giving me His own faith to receive His provision for health.
Ann and I believe that every blessing we have received from God is a sacred trust to be used for Jesus. Jesus said that our salvation is not our own. It belongs to every perishing soul on the face of the globe who has not yet had the opportunity to receive Jesus. (John 17:18, 20:21-23) Likewise, my healing is not my own to use for self-centered pursuits, but belongs to sick and suffering Christians who have not yet discovered the Truth and Provision in God’s Word for Divine Healing.
Therefore, one of the commitments I have made to the Lord in regard to my own healing is to use this Truth, and my experience of it, for the good of others, as Jesus leads me and opens up doors of opportunity.
The initial step was to prepare a summary of what the Bible says about healing, but my attempts at this were inadequate. God provided, however, by letting us discover a wonderful summary of Divine Healing that was written in 1883 by A. B. Simpson, a leader in the revival that was sweeping across American at the time. He was also instrumental in the modern missionary movement that began in that era. Simpson had himself been healed from a chronic heart condition just a few years before writing the summary, in a way very reminiscent of my experience.
Another commitment Ann and I have made is to put aside our plans for retirement in order to continue in ministry. Join with us, if you wish, in praying for revival across American - prayers that challenge our trust in religious traditions and programs, prayers that restore living faith in the promises and provisions of Christ, and prayers that believe the Church will do the “even greater things” of Jesus as declared in John 14:12-14.
For the benefit of those who are sick, or who have sick loved ones and friends, I have attached the summary entitled What the Bible Says About Healing, along with links to additional trustworthy information. This material is NOT like that of some “faith healers” you see on T.V., where the focus is on the “healer”, human effort in believing, and un-Biblical principles and practices.
Finally, we want you to know that we faithfully prayed for the many prayer requests that were given to us by you - our prayer team. We are aware of some answers from God and we would like to know of others. We will continue to pray as you provide updates or additional requests. This became a joyful ministry for us (and to us also) that we would love to continue.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” 3 John 2
Ann and I love you dearly,
P.S. Call or email if you would like to talk. We are certainly not experts, but Jesus has brought us a long way in the last few months. (770) 928-2668