HIM Leader is openning another ministry location on the Lao border in early February. He will need at least $200 for each meeting which will cover Lao Bibles and pamplets. This may not cover some other costs for these meeting. There may rent for a building, food, and water expenses.
I have sent HIM Leader $200 from the our reserve account. HIM Leader needs $200-$300 per month for Lao Border Ministries, Coffee Ministies, and general supplies.
We need some help for this ministry. If anyone would like to help, please send your donation to: Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Rd., Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013.
Please pray for HIM Leader, Xeng Lor, Bangyat Her, The Bible League of Thailand, and christian Hmong village leaders. God is touching the hearts of the Hmong People Group. They are responding like no other People Group in all of Thailand. HIM Leader receives more request to go villages than he can handle. Again, please pray for the work in Northern Thailand and along the Lao border.
Thank you!
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wheel Chairs Donated By Japanese Agency
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
HIM Leader Shares Gospel in Ban Manee Pruke, Nan Province
Leader ask for prayer:
Dear Fran and all
Just to remind you all that we went to share the gospel in Ban Manee Pruke, Nan today. God touched the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Nhia Phang Saethao. They are a family 9 and almost ready to receive Jesus Christ. They promised that they are going to call me soon to come and burn their spirit house. Please pray for this family that God might encounter them and save their souls.
During last week and this weekend we were very busy, because we have been receiving many calls, mostly for Spiritual help. Thank God for using us as a tool to work with people.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
I ask all of you to pray for HIM Leader as they travel from village to village, telling people about Jesus. We not only need your prayers, but your financial support. The dollar has weakened against the Baht, fuel cost are up and general supplies for the ministry have increased. Hmong International Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductable. You may send your donation to: Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Rd., Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013. All donations received go directly into the work.
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
Dear Fran and all
Just to remind you all that we went to share the gospel in Ban Manee Pruke, Nan today. God touched the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Nhia Phang Saethao. They are a family 9 and almost ready to receive Jesus Christ. They promised that they are going to call me soon to come and burn their spirit house. Please pray for this family that God might encounter them and save their souls.
During last week and this weekend we were very busy, because we have been receiving many calls, mostly for Spiritual help. Thank God for using us as a tool to work with people.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
I ask all of you to pray for HIM Leader as they travel from village to village, telling people about Jesus. We not only need your prayers, but your financial support. The dollar has weakened against the Baht, fuel cost are up and general supplies for the ministry have increased. Hmong International Ministries, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductable. You may send your donation to: Hmong International Ministries, Inc., 3867 Airline Rd., Mc Donough, GA 30252-4013. All donations received go directly into the work.
Francis D. Keck, CEO/President
Saturday, January 26, 2008
HIM Leader Report-2 Girls Saved at LYND

HIM Leader's report on two girls receiving Christ:
Dear Fran and all
Just to keep you all up date on Hmong Ministry in LYND Maecharim, Nan today, we had a good time of Bible study and Hmong literacy classes with many students there. God touched 2 students hearts and they made profession of faith in Jesus Christ this afternoon several others are interested in the Gospel. We will try our best to teach the rest of them and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ. We spent half a day at LYND and half a day at AMG dorm. God has been blessing education ministry well. See the attached photo
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM Leader - Report on Pam Poei

HIM Leader's Report on Pam Poei:
To keep you up dated on Hmong Ministry at Ban Pam Poei, Nan. As I have mentioned you all last Monday, today we went back to follow up those prospects. God blessed and Mr. and Mrs. Chong Nhia Her with 7 children, made a profession of faith in Jesus Christ this morning. Several of them still have not make decision. I pray that God will bless their hearts and bringing them into saving faith in Jesus Christ soon. Please pray for them and us.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Please pray for the people in this village. Shirley and I have worked in this village many times. "The rice field is truly ready." Over the years we have seen many Hmong come to Christ here. God contines to open hearts in this village. Please pray for HIM Leader as he returns there from time to time.
Francis D. Keck, HIM-CEO/President
HIM Leader's Report from Nan, Phayao, and Chiang Rai Provinces
HIM Leader's Report from three provinces:
Dear Fran and at all
Just to keep you up date on Hmong Ministry of Northern Thai today at Ban Pam Poei, Nan. We met with several Hmong and had a long discussion with them. God touched many hearts. Two families promised that they will become Christian soon. They will call me within this week and as many as 10 families may be involved. Please
pray for them that God might inspire them and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ soon.
Secondly, in regard to our trip to Phayao and Chiang Rai, we met with a lot of people in building friendship with them, sharing the gospel, and discussed Christ with them. Many people were interested in the gospel. They want to become Christians but I live far away from them. They need to know the Bible, prayer, regarding Spiritual growth or Spiritual nurturing. The rice field is ripe but a few workers. Please pray for more workers.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
The plea from HIM Leader is "The rice field is ripe." Everywhere he goes, many Hmong want to know about Jesus, but he is only one man. Xeng and Bangyat have their work and can only help out when some wanting to know more live close to them.
Please pray for more workers. I pray that more of our Hmong brothers in the US will come and help. I pray that they will support this work with their donations. Even though HIM Leader lives far away from most of these villages, we could do more. It cost a lot to have 100 plus Lao Hmong to meet HIM Leader on the border. It cost about $75 to $100 to do a Coffee Club for Hmong village leaders. There is so much more that could be done.
Thank you for your prayers!
Francis D. Keck, HIM-CEO/President
Dear Fran and at all
Just to keep you up date on Hmong Ministry of Northern Thai today at Ban Pam Poei, Nan. We met with several Hmong and had a long discussion with them. God touched many hearts. Two families promised that they will become Christian soon. They will call me within this week and as many as 10 families may be involved. Please
pray for them that God might inspire them and bring them into saving faith in Jesus Christ soon.
Secondly, in regard to our trip to Phayao and Chiang Rai, we met with a lot of people in building friendship with them, sharing the gospel, and discussed Christ with them. Many people were interested in the gospel. They want to become Christians but I live far away from them. They need to know the Bible, prayer, regarding Spiritual growth or Spiritual nurturing. The rice field is ripe but a few workers. Please pray for more workers.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
The plea from HIM Leader is "The rice field is ripe." Everywhere he goes, many Hmong want to know about Jesus, but he is only one man. Xeng and Bangyat have their work and can only help out when some wanting to know more live close to them.
Please pray for more workers. I pray that more of our Hmong brothers in the US will come and help. I pray that they will support this work with their donations. Even though HIM Leader lives far away from most of these villages, we could do more. It cost a lot to have 100 plus Lao Hmong to meet HIM Leader on the border. It cost about $75 to $100 to do a Coffee Club for Hmong village leaders. There is so much more that could be done.
Thank you for your prayers!
Francis D. Keck, HIM-CEO/President
HIM Leader-December 2007 Report-Xeng and Bangyat
HIM Leader's report for Xeng and Bangyat:
To report to you regarding to Banyat and Xeng's job performances during December-07 as the following:
Xeng Lor:
1. Preached in his church and visitation members and prayed for those whose were sick
2. Shared the gospel to 18 people in 2 villages
3. Conducted Church Christmas programs and Hmong New Year ceremonial for church members
Bangyat Her:
I have not received a report from Banyat, but he was deeply involved in Christmas programs and helped with the Hmong Church group from Kansas City, KS.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
To report to you regarding to Banyat and Xeng's job performances during December-07 as the following:
Xeng Lor:
1. Preached in his church and visitation members and prayed for those whose were sick
2. Shared the gospel to 18 people in 2 villages
3. Conducted Church Christmas programs and Hmong New Year ceremonial for church members
Bangyat Her:
I have not received a report from Banyat, but he was deeply involved in Christmas programs and helped with the Hmong Church group from Kansas City, KS.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM Leader-2007 Report
The following is HIM Leader's 2007 Report:
To report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thai as the following detail.
1. 54 souls were saved during year of 2007
2. 77 members were baptized
3. Church revivals for 4 churches
4. Two Church revival camps: " Church Growth and Parenting Guidance"
5. Youth camp: " Adolescence Training "
6. Bible study, teaching English and Hmong Literacy classes for 3 dorms
7. Conducted church Christmas programs for 9 churches and 3 dorms
8. Coffee ministry reached the unreached religious and leaders 7 villages
9. Hmong literacy classes for new believers in many villages
10. Maintain relationship with believer groups from Laos and provided discipleship training for them at the border
11. Affiliated closely with Thailand Baptist and Northern Thai Baptist Convention
12. Coordinated closely with Hmong leaders and denominational church groups
13. Contact and recruit Hmong churches in USA for mission field
14. Coffee ministry for reaching Hmong College students
Conclusion: HIM is still progressing: brought more people into saving faith in Jesus Christ and baptized them, nurturing new believers, church revivals, church camping. Without Hmong International Ministries many church groups will be isolated.
God touched many Hmong lives and saved more souls just because of your support. We have tried our best to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Once again thanked for your financial support and support of prayers.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM thanks all who have prayed for this work. We thank The Bible League of Thailand for all that it has done for the HIM Leader.
Especially we thank God for the four people and one church for their continuing support. Without these there would we no HIM Leader and others through HIM serving in N. Thailand among the Hmong.
Francis D. Keck, HIM-CEO/President
To report to you regarding Hmong Ministry of Northern Thai as the following detail.
1. 54 souls were saved during year of 2007
2. 77 members were baptized
3. Church revivals for 4 churches
4. Two Church revival camps: " Church Growth and Parenting Guidance"
5. Youth camp: " Adolescence Training "
6. Bible study, teaching English and Hmong Literacy classes for 3 dorms
7. Conducted church Christmas programs for 9 churches and 3 dorms
8. Coffee ministry reached the unreached religious and leaders 7 villages
9. Hmong literacy classes for new believers in many villages
10. Maintain relationship with believer groups from Laos and provided discipleship training for them at the border
11. Affiliated closely with Thailand Baptist and Northern Thai Baptist Convention
12. Coordinated closely with Hmong leaders and denominational church groups
13. Contact and recruit Hmong churches in USA for mission field
14. Coffee ministry for reaching Hmong College students
Conclusion: HIM is still progressing: brought more people into saving faith in Jesus Christ and baptized them, nurturing new believers, church revivals, church camping. Without Hmong International Ministries many church groups will be isolated.
God touched many Hmong lives and saved more souls just because of your support. We have tried our best to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Once again thanked for your financial support and support of prayers.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
HIM thanks all who have prayed for this work. We thank The Bible League of Thailand for all that it has done for the HIM Leader.
Especially we thank God for the four people and one church for their continuing support. Without these there would we no HIM Leader and others through HIM serving in N. Thailand among the Hmong.
Francis D. Keck, HIM-CEO/President
HIM 2008 Goals
The following note from HIM Leader is the first of our Goals for 2008:
Dear Fran,
I am pleased to remind you that effective year of 2008 I have set up goals for Xeng and Banyat as the following:
1. They need to reach at least 10 new people every week.
2. Set up Cell Groups for Bible Study, teach songs, prayer meetings, literacy classes, etc.
3. Conduct revivals for church groups twice per calendar year.
We will add more goals later. Some will deal with HIM partnerships with three dorms, The Bible League of Thailand, the Thailand Baptist Convention, Northern Thai Baptist Convention, several other evangelical denominations, and mission groups from around the world.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Dear Fran,
I am pleased to remind you that effective year of 2008 I have set up goals for Xeng and Banyat as the following:
1. They need to reach at least 10 new people every week.
2. Set up Cell Groups for Bible Study, teach songs, prayer meetings, literacy classes, etc.
3. Conduct revivals for church groups twice per calendar year.
We will add more goals later. Some will deal with HIM partnerships with three dorms, The Bible League of Thailand, the Thailand Baptist Convention, Northern Thai Baptist Convention, several other evangelical denominations, and mission groups from around the world.
In Christ,
HIM Leader
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hmong International Ministries, Inc.-New Blog
We are starting out the new year with a new blog address:
The new blog will look the same, but the address will help if someone is searching the WEB for Hmong International Ministries.
The new blog will look the same, but the address will help if someone is searching the WEB for Hmong International Ministries.
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